Roses - diseases and pests

Rose, like any ornamental plant in the period of growth and active flowering, is often attacked by pests and suffers from diseases. Before you start to fight with the diseases of roses, it is important to carefully inspect the plant to determine exactly what it suffered from. The fight against diseases of roses consists in spraying with medicines, infusions of herbs. The choice of this or that remedy depends on what diseases and pests struck the roses. Next, we will look at the symptoms of major diseases and pests of roses and tell you how to treat them from diseases.

The most common diseases and pests of roses:

Spider mite


If roses are attacked by a spider mite, then on the leaves you can notice small pale yellow inclusions. Over time, such leaves may begin to lighten, and subsequently fall off completely. In especially severe cases, at the base of the shoot you can observe a kind of "spiderweb". If you look closely at the leaves near, then on the underside of the leaf you will see small white grains - this is a spider mite. It appears in the case of excessively dry air. Therefore, most often affects roses that are grown at home or in a greenhouse, where the probability of over-dried air is higher.


To bring out the spider mites enough to increase the humidity in the room and rinse the leaves with running water. After this, you can sprinkle the leaves of the rose with any acaricide (phytoverm).

Black spotting


In the summer, small black spots with a fuzzy outline may appear on the leaves. Also you may notice that the lower leaves began to fall off, then everything is higher and so all the leaves can be on the ground. In especially neglected cases, only the unopened young leaflets can remain on the stem of the rose.

Rust can appear as a result of exposure to rust fungi, which have several stages of development. Depending on the stage, these or other symptoms of the manifestation of the disease are distinguished.

The first stage is spring: leaf damage can be seen already in late April or early May: orange-yellow small tubercles may appear in the area of ​​blossoming buds, on the upper side of leaves, young shoots. The so-called dusting pustules appear on the underside of the leaf. As a result, these spores from the leaves are carried to a healthy plant growing in the neighborhood.


So, for example, if you notice a black spot on the leaves, the lower leaves quickly turn yellow and fall off, then you can sprinkle leaves of roses with horsetail or mullein. Also suitable for spraying are preparations containing mancozeb (Ridomil Gold, Profit) and triazole (Skor, Topaz). In addition, you can use drugs that can increase the resistance of roses to diseases: immunofitsit, zircon, amulet, El.



If rust fungi develop on the leaves of the rose, the leaves may begin to turn yellow, fall off, and young shoots will bend and dry up.

The second stage - udostadiya - comes in July. Small rusty-brown pustules appear on the lower part of the leaf. On the top of the sheet appear red and yellow spots that have the property of growing and covering the entire area of ​​the leaf. Shoots can begin to thicken, deform and crack.

The third stage - telish-toastady - comes in late August - early September. The pustules begin to darken. In the affected stalk, the fungus can survive the whole winter.

The last two stages can lead to serious consequences: weakening of the plant, leaf drying and even the death of roses.

Rust can appear on leaves as a result of high humidity. If the weather is hot and dry, the risk of rust is minimal.


The most difficult thing to deal with rust. Treatment is the same as with black patch.

If the leaves have rust in very large volumes, then the treatment is not carried out. The affected parts are cut off and burned. Wherein in no case can the diseased plant be put in compost .

Prevention of Rose Diseases

For the prevention of disease, it is important to strictly follow the rules of agricultural technology, make complex fertilizers , periodically spray the leaves with chemical preparations (for example, make a solution of superphosphate and potassium nitrate, copper-soap solution or calc-sulfur).

Under the conditions of growing the rose and the rules of caring for her, the plant will be less prone to disease and pest attack.