Rickets in dogs

Animals, like people, are prone to disease. Dogs, unfortunately, are no exception. One of the main problems of four-legged friends, especially at a young age is rickets. If it is not recognized in the early stages and does not begin to heal, the consequences can be the saddest.

Symptoms of the disease

It is striking to attack puppies of various breeds in the first year of their life, when the body grows and forms. The bursts of manifestations of this disease, which arises from a metabolic disturbance, and especially the lack of calcium salts, from which all the bones are "built", are most often observed in winter. The reason is the lack of vitamin D, which takes the most active part in metabolic processes.

Rickets in dogs in the initial stages are difficult to recognize. However, the owners must be alerted by too excited or, on the contrary, the depressed state of the puppy: he is frightened by sharp sounds, quickly gets tired and lies down to rest, restlessly asleep. However, all this can be a consequence of the peculiarities of the temperament of a four-legged friend, and do not immediately grab him in an armful and drag him to the vet.

The following symptoms can easily diagnose rickets in dogs:

In the late stage of rickets, the symptoms become even more eloquent: the animal begins to limp, moves with a "wobbling" gait, its jaws are deformed, and the bite changes. In particularly severe cases and lack of treatment, a complete loss of ability to move is possible.

Treatment of rickets in dogs

In an adult dog, rickets are not diagnosed - only its terrible consequences. Prevention of this disease must begin with "young claws." A puppy must be fed with a specially balanced diet . You should also regularly buy and feed vitamins from rickets for dogs. With the baby you need to walk more in sunny weather. It is then very active ultraviolet rays, which contribute to the proper absorption of calcium and the strengthening of rapidly growing bones. And most importantly - take care of the health of your pet.