Dry food for dogs

Once you have a dog in your house, you need to solve the problem with her feeding. Proper, balanced nutrition of your pet is the key to his health and good mood. Some owners prepare food for their dog themselves. But many decide to buy ready-made dry dog ​​food. Before doing this, consult a veterinarian who can recommend the most suitable food for your dog only. Let's find out which dry dog ​​food is considered the best.

Dogs of different sizes and breeds must be fed with different feeds. Feeding the dog with specialized dry food provides the animal with the most essential substances for it: minerals and vitamins. The dosage of dry food for dogs depends on the weight and age of the animal.

All grades of dry dog ​​food are divided into such classes: super premium, premium and economy.

Dog food of economy class

The composition of dry food for dogs of this class often includes low-quality raw materials: bone meal, offal, soya and low-grade cereal additives. If your dog will eat this food all the time, sooner or later the animal will have various disorders of the digestive system, metabolic disorders, allergic reactions due to lack of vitamins and amino acids.

These foods are similar to quick-prepared noodles whose regular use also causes serious health disorders in humans. The only thing that these feeds can attract is their low price. Feed them dogs can only be an exception. In feeding puppies and nursing bitches, it is undesirable to use food of the economy class in general, since such animals especially feel the lack of minerals and vitamins, which is very bad for their health.

Feeds of economy class are produced under the brands Chappi, Pedigree and some others.

Premium dog fodder

Premium dog food is made from quality raw materials. Analysis of dry premium dog food shows that the basis of such feeds are meat products. There are practically no harmful components in dry food for premium dogs. This food is well absorbed by animals. Dry dog ​​fodder premium class comes in such brands as:

Super premium dog food

Feeds of this class are deservedly considered to be one of the best dry fodders used in the nutrition of dogs. Such food is perfectly digested by animals, possessing an exceptional biological value and complete balance. In the production of such feeds, only natural high-quality ingredients are used: poultry, lamb, beef, fish, cereals of higher grades. The most popular super premium fodder are brands such as Acana, Poyal Canin, Orijen, Hills, Bosh and others. In each of these brands, you can choose food, taking into account the physical activity of the dog, its weight and health. Among dry super premium feeds there are therapeutic dog food, used after operations, with diabetes, allergies and other disease states in animals.

If your dog eats dry food, then in the place of feeding the animal must be clean drinking water.