Species of ornamental rabbits

Today, more and more turns gain a fashionable hobby - to start houses of unusual pets. Very popular are decorative rabbits. If you are wondering what kind of rabbit breeds are, and are thinking of buying one of these cute fuzzies, then you have come to the right place. We will help you get to know them better and make a choice.

In general, in the world there are about two hundred breeds of rabbits, which are divided into groups depending on the length of the wool, body weight, productivity and appearance. Directly the domestic rabbit breeds are subdivided into fur, meat, meat, and decorative. Here's the last and talk more.

Species of decorative dwarf rabbits:

  1. Angora rabbits - this breed has a long coat all over the body, on its head it is more fluffy, which makes them look like small fur balls. This breed should be chosen if you have enough time and patience to look after the coat.
  2. Short-haired dwarf rabbits (or colored rabbits) are very similar to simple rabbits, only much smaller. This breed has more than 50 types of color, wool shiny short.
  3. The Dutch dwarf rabbit is one of the smallest rabbits weighing not more than one kilogram. Usually the fur of these rabbits is white, there are "socks" on the legs. This breed of rabbits is one of the new, brought to us from the West. They are bred mainly in Holland, Great Britain and the USA.
  4. Dwarf rex has a short coat, similar to velvet or plush, the body is long, weight can reach four kilograms. A distinctive feature of the breed are completely undeveloped mustaches. Rexes are considered a royal breed, they are very elegant and elegant.
  5. Dwarfish hare is a very popular white rabbit with dark spots and red eyes. The most popular color is white with black specks.
  6. Fold rabbit-sheep - these cute creatures look no less original than their name. Their weight can reach three kilograms, the representatives of this breed quickly get used to people, because they are not so shy.
  7. Dwarf foxes have long hair, resembling a fur cloak. These rabbits have short front legs, the body is stocky, the ears are beautifully rounded at the ends. Weight ranges from 1-1.5 kilograms.
  8. Germelin (or Polish rabbit) is considered the smallest breed of decorative rabbits, their weight is not more than one kilogram. They look like beautiful toys - snow-white short fur, blue or red eyes and a smart, elegant physique. They have a rather capricious character, so they will not be suitable for beginners.

We have given a description of not all breeds of dwarf rabbits, but only the most common. But there are also such rare breeds of rabbits as the New Zealand Red, Thuringian, Black-Black, and others.

How to learn the breed of a rabbit?

Identify the breed of your pet is quite simple. In truth, according to world standards, there are only five breeds dwarf rabbits: rex, lop-eared, fox, colored and hermelins. Therefore, wait until your pet grows a little and gets its final dimensions.

The species can be determined by the length of the wool, the shape of the ears and by the constitution. The fur is long - foxes, short velvet fur - reks, ears are long and hang on the sides of the head - lop-eared. Color rabbits - owners of small ears and a very compact body. If your pet has a well-built physique with a rather large head and eyes of red or blue, then you are the owner of a characteristic hermelin.