The cat has constipation - what can I do?

Our fluffy meowing pets, like people, are subject to numerous diseases and complications of health. Quite often, inveterate "cat-owners" are faced with the problem of how to treat constipation in a cat. After a long absence of an act of defecation in an animal can lead to poisoning his body with poisonous products of decay of stool, which can end very badly. In order to understand what to do when a cat has permanent constipation, it is necessary to understand the root cause of this state of the pet's body.

Causes of constipation in cats

The main symptoms that should alert the owner are:

How to help a cat with constipation at home?

If the owner in time paid attention to the deterioration of the condition of his pet and knows its cause, then the matter can be completely corrected by the usual adjustment of the diet. The food that must be given to the pet should be enriched with fiber, not fatty and fresh. Must be a lot of drinking. Also, the following manipulations can facilitate the passage of constipation in a castrated cat:

  1. Give the animal a good dose of fresh beef liver.
  2. Try to water the pet with small doses of pharmacy vaseline oil. It has no smell and taste, so the procedure is unproblematic. Give it you need 10-15 ml every few hours.
  3. The result can show the use of Dufalac, which the animal needs 2-2.5 ml a couple of times a day. In this case, you should strictly follow the instructions, so that the matter does not end with diarrhea.
  4. The best and fastest result is an enema enema with constipation. Doing this procedure yourself is quite problematic. There is also the possibility of injuring the rectum of the animal. Therefore, such manipulations should be entrusted to an experienced veterinarian.

Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of a problem

If your pet "pleases" you with permanent constipation, then you should take into account such additional rules for caring for it as:

  1. Periodic combing, haircut and the use of specially designed pastes for removing wool from the stomach will make it possible to eliminate the ingress of lumps of hair into the intestine;
  2. It is necessary to know what to feed the cat with constipation and after they have been overcome. Preference should be given to a balanced and clear diet, avoid feeding the pet from a common dish, ensure its constant access to water and high-quality feed, preferably premium ;
  3. Also, the constant physical activity and activity of the animal play its role. Often release it for a walk, buy a variety of toys or training equipment for scrambling.

It must also be understood that the term "constipation" is understood as the absence of stool in a pet within a couple of days. It is after the expiration of this period that you can begin to worry and seek a solution to the problem of what to do if the cat has constipation. Excessive zeal can harm the animal no less than the lack of adequate treatment. Perhaps, already during the next general cleaning you will find "evidence" that the pet did not have any problems with the chair at all.