The hamster does not open the eye - what to do?

If a hamster appears in the house, we should be very attentive to his health. After all, it depends on the health of the hamster how he behaves. Sometimes our little friends have problems with their eyes. We do not always know what to do if the hamster does not open the eye or what to do if the eye is sticking together.

Hamsters are restless way of life. Sometimes, they fight among themselves or just into the eye I can get sawdust, which causes inflammation. If you do not pay attention to the inflamed eye in time, there will be a need for serious treatment.

Diseases of the eyes in hamsters and their treatment

Since the eye of a hamster is convex, then such a disease as conjunctivitis occurs frequently. The infection in the eyes, as a rule, is accompanied by itching. A scratching of the affected area with paws, provokes its spread. First the eyes of our pet are watered, then pus appears.

When we saw that the hamster has a sour eye, the answer to the question what to do first of all can be suggested by folk medicine. Sometimes washing several times a day with tea leaves or infusion of chamomile is enough to make the inflammation go away. If this procedure does not help, you should consult your doctor. It is the doctor who will tell you which drops to buy for treatment or ointment, which is laid for the eyelids. Often appointed solutions of Albucide, Sofraks, and from ointments tetracycline, sometimes antibiotics, vitamins.

During the treatment of a sick pet it is necessary to separate from healthy animals so that they do not become infected and keep in a darkened place, since its eyes are very sensitive to bright light.

It should be remembered that all the items with which the hamster is in contact must be disinfected.

Conjunctivitis is not only infectious, but also allergic in nature, when the cause of eye disease in hamsters is the wrong diet of the animal. For treatment, it is necessary to revise the diet of a pet.

Among other eye diseases are hamsters cataract, corneal ulcer or disease as a consequence of diabetes mellitus, inflammation of the cheek pouches.

Therefore, if you saw that the hamster does not open the eye, and you do not know what to do, it will be correct to take the small rodent to the clinic.