Beautiful tan

Going to the sea, many women seek to buy a bronze or chocolate shade of the skin. Unfortunately, instead of this sometimes painful burns are obtained, after which the skin is peeling and clouding, leaving stains on the body. The main reason for this - non-compliance with the rules of sun exposure. In addition, there are several secrets to obtaining a beautiful tan, which is not difficult to adhere to. Consider how to get a beautiful tan in the sun at home, while not harming health.

How to get a smooth and beautiful tan on the sea?

The basic recommendations how to achieve a beautiful tan on the beach:

1. First of all, you should prepare the skin for sunburn, clearing it of keratinized particles, improving blood circulation and freeing cells access to oxygen. This should be done through a mechanical peel, which is easy to perform at home. In no event should chemical peeling be carried out before sunburn, tk. after it the skin becomes very vulnerable to sunlight, which quickly leads to its damage and the formation of pigmented spots . Effective and safe coffee, salt, sugar, almond peelings, easily prepared by yourself. Also, if there are no contraindications, you can also steam out the body in a bath or sauna. If the tan will lie on the even, cleansed skin, it will be uniform and last longer. These procedures should be done 2-3 days before sunbathing begins.

2. For a couple of weeks before the beach season and within a week after it should follow a special diet. A special diet will help protect the skin from harmful free radicals formed by the action of ultraviolet, as well as increase the production of pigment melanin, so that the tan was brighter and more saturated. It is recommended to eat as many of these foods as possible:

Exclude from the diet should:

3. It is necessary to use sunscreen or emulsion, and they should be water resistant. In the first three or four days of beach rest, it is recommended to use funds with a degree of protection of at least 30, and on subsequent days - 25, 20, 15. Apply sunscreen every 1.5-2 hours, and after each bath in the sea.

4. It is necessary to observe the correct duration and time of solar procedures. In the first 2-3 days, beach rest should not exceed half an hour, because the skin needs to gradually get used to the sun. In the future, the sun should be spent no more than 2.5 hours. The safer time for tanning is until 11 am and after 16 pm.

5. Immediately after bathing, wipe the skin with a towel. The water drops remaining on the body act like a lens, which can cause sunburn.

6. Do not use on the beach perfumes, deodorants and alcohol-containing products, t. they can cause pigmentation spots and promote the development of photo allergy.

7. A beautiful smooth tan is obtained if, while under the sun, move as much as possible. It is necessary to swim more often, walk near the sea, play mobile games, and not just lie on the beach.

8. Since the body loses a large amount of liquid in the sun, it is necessary to constantly replenish its reserves. It is recommended to drink enough pure still water.

9. Before and after staying on the beach, the skin should be well moistened. To do this, it is recommended to apply a cream or oil to the whole body. An excellent option is olive oil.