Massage with leg varicose

According to statistics, one-third of the world's population suffers from an expansion of veins. At the initial stages, the disease may not manifest itself in any way. However, if there is a genetic predisposition, then it is important to take preventive measures. Massage with leg varicose is effective in the initial stages. With the help of a properly selected procedure, you can stop the pathological process and even get rid of the disease.

Is it possible to massage with varicose veins?

Before you write to the master for a massage or try to do it yourself, you need to know what kind of procedure suits you. Now there is a wide variety of techniques, of which not all can be applied.

So, for problems with the veins, it is forbidden to perform such types of massage:

Absolute contraindications to any massage procedure are:

What kind of massage can I do with varicose veins?

Whichever technique you prefer, it is important to consult a therapist. He will help you find the right equipment. Below we consider the most optimal options.

Lymphatic drainage massage

This procedure positively affects the circulation of blood, eliminates edema and effectively fights cellulite lymph drainage foot massage with varicose veins, which has virtually no contraindications. The specialist first rubs skin, moving his hands from the bottom up with smooth wave-like movements, gradually increasing the force of pressure. At the same time, painful sensations should not arise. For varicose veins, several sessions per week are carried out.

Thai massage

Also, with varicose feet, Thai massage is useful. The technique is radically different from the usual massage. It is based on contact with the patient with the help of elbows, wrists, feet and knees. During the session, the master acts on acupressure points, which helps to speed up the metabolic processes and rejuvenate the body. Such a massage is contraindicated for pregnant women suffering from heart diseases, who have suffered fractures and cancer patients.