Number 9 in numerology

In numerology, the number 9 is the main one and it is endowed with a sacral value, because when multiplying it by any number, 9 still leaves 9, for example, 9 x 6 = 54, which in turn is 5 + 4 = 9. This number is controlled by Mars , so these people are real fighters. They have a strong spirit and strength to resist even the most difficult challenges. Nines have a dominant nature and ability to lead. Such people perfectly feel themselves in the role of commander. In addition, they go ahead to achieve their goals.

The meaning and singularities of number 9 in numerology

Born with the number 9:

  1. They have a high sexuality, but they can not express their true desires. They consider this to be a manifestation of weakness, therefore, concealing their desires, can bring themselves to real depression.
  2. Dominants in life practically do not perceive the opinions of other people. Because of this, they have more detractors than friends.
  3. The number of destiny 9 gives man strength and energy, thanks to this they have high diligence. He does not ask for help from anyone and everything reaches independently, and then, resting on his laurels, extols himself above others.
  4. Harmony in relationships can only be achieved with peers. It is important for them that in an environment there are only clever and capable people with a good reputation. Call someone else, they can only when fully convinced of the positive qualities of man.
  5. In crisis situations these people are irreplaceable, as they instantly activate all their strengths and abilities.

Helpful Tips

In numerology, the number of destiny 9 is courage and courage, but on the other hand such people can easily become angry and show rigidity. To avoid many problems, it is recommended to learn how to manage yourself. In addition, nines need to be able to restrain their emotions and become more tolerant of others, because otherwise they can lose all friends and remain alone. People who are governed by the magic number 9 are very capable and easily advance on the career ladder. It is very important that in doing so they do not go over their heads, as they may end up with nothing.

Quite often you can meet a man-nine, who is not happy with his life and blames himself, that fully did not take advantage of the opportunities that fate has given him. Their fault is their intolerance and the desire to get everything at once. In general, people who were born with the vibration of the number of life 9 are lucky. The main thing for them is to learn how to manage their emotions .