What does the number 7 mean?

Many people consider 7 a lucky number. In numerology, the seven is a mysterious number that stands out among others. In magic, this number is considered complex, and it symbolizes thinking.

What does the number 7 mean in the date of birth?

People born under the auspices of the Seven have many virtues. They have a good sense of humor , they know how to listen to others and know their worth. For sevens, independence is of great importance in life. They are persistent, patient and hardworking, which allows people who are under the patronage of the number 7, in any chosen field of activity to achieve success.

Understanding what the number 7 means in life, it is worth mentioning the shortcomings that it gives to a person. Many people consider such people to be snobs, because they are relatively cold and distant from other people. Seven for their own purpose can easily cross over other people. In their activities they can immerse themselves so much that it will be more like fanaticism.

Another figure of 7 in the date of birth means that a person likes to take risks, but he has a cautious and calculating character. Seven are good companions, because they are at any time ready to come to the aid of others.

What does the number 7 mean in magic and numerology?

Now let's see what the figure can mean if it does not have a binding to the date of birth. Seven is characterized by coldness, but at the same time it symbolizes the sharpness of thinking . If 7 was the result of fortune telling, then this is an indication that a person has a strong connection with the Higher Powers. Finding out what the figure 7 means in numerology, it is worth noting that it gives calmness, wisdom, and also protects from various ills. Seven is a lucky number that can attract like.