Number of names

The words of the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician-mystic Pythagoras, who claimed that "everything is a number", testify to how seriously our ancestors treated the magic of numbers. He created a simplified numerical (and alphabetic) code, reducing the number of numbers to nine (using these primes you can form any complex ones). These numbers from one to nine were called "vibrating". Each person has two basic vibrating numbers, this is the number of the name and the number of your birthday - numerology is interested in them. After reading our article you will understand that the name and its number are important in your destiny.

How can I find out the name?

To calculate the number of names, you can use the following table:

Many people want to calculate the number of names, surnames and even patronymics, but it is best to find your number by the name that you most often hear in your address, and with whom you associate yourself. However, it will not be superfluous to find out all three figures (for a name, a surname and a full name - FIO), as each of them plays the role in a certain sphere of your life. So, if at work or at university you are called exclusively by name, you must take into account the number of surnames. The calculation of one of the vowels will show the number of the name that displays your hidden essence. A consonant gives a characteristic of the external appearance and displays the impression produced on others.

Using the table, write down all the numbers and add them. If you get a two-digit number, add up the numbers until you get a one-digit number. It is this that will be your vibrant name number.

The value of the name number

  1. Units are characterized by inexhaustible energy. They are able to find a way out of any stressful situation and possess innate courage. These people sometimes need to listen to the opinions of others, because ambition often blinds their eyes.
  2. If the number of your name is 2, this indicates excessive emotionality and insecurity in your own abilities. Congenital tactfulness can lead to the fact that others, for example, units, will begin to twist ropes from you.
  3. Troika is distinguished by talent. It is very important to find your calling in time and reveal yourself. Wit and optimism will help to achieve success. However, you should sometimes take off the rose-colored glasses to avoid disappointment in people.
  4. Four are characterized by a rare conscientiousness and accuracy, sometimes bordering on pedantry. You can achieve tremendous advances in the field of science.
  5. Fives are famous for their love of freedom and risk. They prefer to step on all the rakes themselves, not listening to other people's advice and experience. They like to travel and are prone to philosophizing. It is very important that they find themselves and put energy in the right direction, otherwise they risk exchanging life for trifles.
  6. Out of sixes, good politicians come out. They are able to ignite and lead the crowd and gain confidence and support. It is important that their thoughts are pure.
  7. Seven are not born for commerce, they are better off looking for themselves in science, religion or art. We need to work on the ability to concentrate.
  8. Eight are lucky, although they tend to get upset over trifles. Right, do not, if you want, you have a great future, no matter what path you choose. Eight is the lucky name number.
  9. Nines, perhaps, are the best leaders. Hence some disadvantages - a tendency to arrogance and selfishness. Try to realize your responsibility, and you will go far.

You can make a calculation not only for your name, but also for the name of the partner, to check for compatibility. By the way, after marriage, you can repeat the experiment, because the change of name inevitably affects the number of your name and your character.