An abscess on the gum

For various reasons, the oral mucosa begins to disintegrate by bacteria, which is accompanied by the formation of voids filled with pus. So there is a flux or abscess on the gum, which is often very painful and causes a lot of uncomfortable sensations. Pathology provokes not only local tissue damage, but also systemic intoxication of the body.

What to do with an abscess on the gum?

Naturally, to solve the problem it is important to contact the dentist, even if the abscess on the gum does not hurt. Flux arises from the multiplication of streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria, which lead to the so-called melting of the tissue and the formation of cavities in it. Gradually they are filled with purulent contents and spread to healthy areas, which is fraught with serious inflammation and loss of closely located teeth.

You can not try to open the abscess yourself and clean it, it can lead to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the blood and abscess .

Treatment of abscesses on the gums

During a visit to the dentist, the specialist will determine the degree of maturation of the flux. The fact is that you can not touch the abscess, not ready for resolution, since such an intervention does not guarantee the complete removal of pus. In such cases, after treatment, there may be small foci of inflammation capable of subsequent relapses. Especially it concerns the gingival abscess under the tooth or at its base, when the cavity with exudate is difficult to determine visually. As a rule, hot compresses are assigned to accelerate the maturation of the flux.

If the dentist decides that the abscess is ripe, it is surgically opened and cleaned, washed with an antiseptic solution of the cavity and treated with an antibacterial agent. All manipulations are carried out only in a clinic in-patient.

After removal of the flux, a full-fledged home care is provided, aimed at daily disinfection of the mucous membrane and internal tissue, an obstacle to reproduction Staphylococci and streptococci on its surface. In the presence of serious inflammation, systemic and local antibiotics (Levomecol, Azithromycin, penicillin preparations, Lincomycin, Metronidazole) are used. It can also be recommended partial or complete removal of damaged nearby teeth.

Here's what you can rinse an abscess on the gum:

Procedures should be performed 2-4 times a day for 30 seconds.