Tincture of eucalyptus - application

In the leaves of eucalyptus and, accordingly, in the tincture contain:

The content of phytoncides, substances that have a pronounced antiseptic and antibacterial effect, eucalyptus is one of the first places among all herbal preparations.

In addition to disinfecting and anti-inflammatory, the eucalyptus tincture has mucolytic, bronchodilator, calming and astringent effects. When taken orally, the agent helps to normalize the digestive system, and when applied externally it has an antipruritic, warming-up and easy analgesic effect.

Use of eucalyptus tincture inside

For oral administration, eucalyptus tincture is used for:

The drug is drunk 15-20 drops, diluted in a small amount of water, 3 times a day.

The use of eucalyptus for catarrhal diseases

Due to the expectorant and mucolytic effect, the use of eucalyptus tincture is quite effective as a remedy for dry cough with bronchitis, tracheitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract. In this case, the tincture is diluted with water and used for various inhalations, both steam, and with the help of a nebulizer and other inhalers.

In addition, thanks to the antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral effect of the drug, eucalyptus tincture is used for gargling, and sometimes, in a highly diluted form, for washing the nose in acute and chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and other diseases. For rinsing tincture is diluted 1 teaspoon per glass of water.

External application of eucalyptus tincture

External tincture of eucalyptus is used for:

It should be noted that eucalyptus can be a powerful allergen, and its use, in any form, is contraindicated with a tendency to allergies and bronchial asthma.