The time of planting garlic for the winter

Almost any owner of a household plot tries to grow vegetables on his land, which is needed in the kitchen to a greater extent. By the way, garlic quite accurately refers to them. And this is not surprising: unpretentious in growing a vegetable is not cheap, but it is used for cooking many daily dishes, including canning .

In general, garlic spring and winter are distinguished. The first planting in the spring, and winter - in the fall. If on your site you decide to grow this culture yourself, include the planting of winter garlic in the list of mandatory cases for the autumn. But for many inexperienced truck farmers sometimes it is unclear the time of planting garlic for the winter. Someone recommends doing this in September, and someone from year to year fills the prepared beds with denticles in October. Let's figure it out.

When do they plant garlic for the winter?

According to the general rules of agricultural technology, the optimal time for planting garlic for winter is mid-autumn. In some regions, summer residents have to engage in planting crops at the end of September. According to experienced gardeners, the deadline for planting garlic in the climatic conditions of the middle zone is 25 October. For the southern regions, the time interval can be shifted by several weeks, until the middle of November.

However, the majority of gardeners recommend to focus not on the numbers of garlic planting dates in October, but on the characteristic for your region three to four weeks before the onset of constant colds, which bring tangible frosts. And this is quite understandable. These few weeks are given to the fact that the cloves of garlic have time to take root, that is, to take root. A powerful root system guarantees harvest by the end of next summer.

At the same time, too early planting will adversely affect the future crop. The fact is that with a stable warm weather, not only the roasting of garlic will take place. He will shoot the shoots. And this means that a significant part of the nutrients in the denticle will go to waste, because in spring the stalk will reappear in the garlic. Thus, in the summer to wait for a large crop there is no sense.

Moreover, if garlic thrives in growth, its frost resistance sharply decreases. Therefore, not the quality of the crop can suffer, but it is all. And then the summer residents have to produce in spring a landing of garlic, but already spring.

True, if two evils choose less, then many gardeners advise in doubt to plant the garlic a little earlier and get a weak harvest. This is still better than with an excessively late planting, when cloves of garlic simply did not get accustomed, to remain without a crop at all.

How can I calculate the timing of the landing of garlic?

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to successfully win the right time to plant garlic. However, it is recommended to orient in advance some tips:

  1. The long-term meteorological forecast of meteorologists can help to plan an approximate time frame. Of course, meteorologists are not gods, but mostly it's a rarity that the weather suddenly spoils.
  2. A good help in determining the time of landing can be provided by the lunar calendar, which indicates the most appropriate time for this. To buy it is easy in any kiosk that sells the press.
  3. It is also recommended to measure the temperature of the soil at a time when you intend to tackle garlic planting. The earth should warm up to + 5 + 10 degrees at a depth of 5-6 cm.

We hope that the above tips and recommendations helped you to understand the timing of planting this necessary crop and in the second half of the summer, an unexpectedly large crop will appear in the beds.