Plum "Hungarian"

The unique taste of fruit makes these fruits loved by many. Some even decide to plant their own lands with trees, which will bring delicious creams by autumn. The most popular among domestic plums is the group of varieties "Hungarian". It is about him that will be discussed.

Plum "Hungarian" - description of the group

In fact, "Hungarian" is called a whole variety of varieties, characterized by a characteristic elongated shape, similar to an egg, up to 5.5 and up to 4 cm in width, with a sizo-wax coating - plaque and dense flesh. If you break the fruit in half, it is evident that the bone is usually easily separated from the pulp. The pulp itself is firm, greenish-yellow, but very sugary. In addition, it is from representatives of the "Wengerki" that they make their favorite prunes, other varieties are not suitable for this purpose. Only in the representatives of this subgroup there is a sufficient amount of dry substances.

The plum "Wengerki" is distinguished by the following varieties: "Moscow", "Korneevskaya", "Vengheim", "Italian" and others. Consider the most common of them.

Plum "Hungarian Korneevskaya" - description of the variety

This relatively young variety appeared in 2002. Trees, distinguished by a wide crown, are covered with dark green egg-shaped leaves. Cream, which in length reach 4.3 cm, and weigh up to 35 g, have a beautiful oval shape. The color of the plums is closer to the violet-brown, and with a considerable waxy coating. It is worth mentioning separately about the pulp of the plum "Hungarian Korneevskaya": juicy and soft with a yellowish color, it is distinguished by its excellent taste.

In addition to the taste qualities of the variety, you can note the excellent yield. The variety can be easily transported. To its merits can be attributed and average frost resistance, and high drought resistance.

Plum "Hungarian Moscow" - description

The average growth of trees belonging to this variety, develop small fruits weighing only 20 g. Under the dark purple skin with a weak red tint is a juicy yellow flesh with a dense and consistency. It is also worth noting that the taste of plums "Wengerki Moskovskaya" is not bad, but not uncommon.

Plum "Hungarian Wangheim" - description

The fruits of this representative of the "Hungarian" have an irregularly oval shape with a characteristic convex formation in the central part. The color of the cream is dark blue, when ripening on the fruits, a sizo-wax coating forms. Under the dense acidic skin is a dark green pulp with a wonderful sugary taste.

Maturing of the fruits of this sort of plum "Hungarian" is worth waiting for in August. In this case, the trees are distinguished by a high level of yields - from each plum you can expect up to 80-120 kg!

In addition, the "Hungarian Wangheim" does not require pollinators, since it is a self-pollinating variety.

Plum «Hungarian Azhanska» - description

A variety of West-European origin is distinguished by violet-red fruits covered with a characteristic bluish bloom. Under a thin skin, a tender pulp of green-sand color with a weak acidic note is found. It is worth mentioning that a decent harvest of the "Hungarian Azhansky" is possible only when Pollen pollen pollen.

Fruits ripening by the end of August, are amenable to transportation, and also are suitable not only for fresh consumption, but also for the preparation of marmalade and jam. By the way, the variety is not frost-resistant, so it is planted in regions with mild winters.

Plum "Hungarian Italian" - description

Judging by the name, the variety has origins from the southern European country. On trees with a well developed crown, develop large dark blue fruits of ovoid form. The flesh has a greenish-yellow color with reddish splotches closer to the bone. The variety is valued for the delicate taste of juicy-sweet pulp, excellent transportability and frost resistance.