Chinese onion - joint treatment

Chinese or Indian onions are a plant that can be grown at home. A flower with long, stiff leaves growing from an incommensurately large bulb fits perfectly into any interior. But its main advantage is that Chinese onions can be used to treat joints. Moreover, those who have already tested the drug unanimously declare that it helps much more efficiently than some medications.

Treatment with Chinese onions

In the leaves of the bird-bird (as it is actually called the Indian onion) contains many useful substances. Because of this, they can be used to treat bruises and sprains, tumors and injuries. Useful properties of Chinese onions even allow using it to fight insect bites - the tools based on the bird chicken will quickly remove the swelling and relieve the importunate, irritating itching.

Apply Indian onions recommended for such problems:

Do not be scared if you feel a burning sensation after using Chinese onions (as a tincture, a decoction, an extract). This is a completely normal reaction to the action of the plant. In a few minutes, unpleasant sensations will pass. At the same time, there will be relief.

And in any case, you can not use the plant inside - the Indian onion contains poisonous substances! After contact with the leaves or bulb of a bird-cheesecake, it is advisable to wash your hands so that the poison does not get on the mucous membrane.

Recipes for the treatment of joints with Chinese onions

Ptitselechnik - a universal agent, but most often it is used to treat joints. Arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism - with all these problems, the Indian onion copes without ceremony. The most pleasant thing is that it is quite easy to prepare a flower-based remedy:

  1. Combine the medicinal properties of tincture of Chinese onion with aloe juice , honey. All these components need to be mixed in a proportion of 3: 1: 2 and use the product for the compress. This will help to quickly remove the inflammation.
  2. Spirituous tincture on the bird-cheesecake perfectly helps with rheumatism.
  3. With arthritis, you can take a bath with an extract of Chinese onions and pine needles.
  4. Very effective plant in fresh form. For the treatment of patients with joints, it is sufficient to break off a piece of the leaf and lubricate its sore with a juice. To make the remedy work better, the sick joint should be wrapped in a warm blanket or woolen shawl, for example.