Tea with thyme - useful properties

Thyme or, as it is also called, thyme is an essential oil semishrub which is known for its medicinal properties and is consumed in the form of tea with thyme, spices, infusions and broths. Outwardly the plant is used in cosmetology, medicine. And also the shrub often is used in landscape design, as a beautiful and unpretentious plant.

Even ancient doctors, such as Avicenna, mentioned the therapeutic functions of this plant in their treatises. In those days, thyme was used to relieve headaches, a diuretic, antiseptic, antiparasitic agent, adding grass to the wines and oils. In our time, tea with thyme has more than a dozen beneficial properties.

What is useful tea with thyme?

The wide use of thyme is due to the prevalence of plants throughout Europe and Asia. The chemical composition of thyme is rich in essential oils, acids, resins, tannins and flavonoids, which possess antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

The easiest way to use the plant is tea with thyme, the benefit of which is expressed in the following actions:

Also black or any other tea with thyme is used in complex therapy of gynecological, dermatological diseases, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders.

Contraindications to the use of tea with thyme

Is such a curative plant has its contraindications? Yes, like any medicinal plant, thyme can be used with some reservations. Firstly, you should not think that with such tea you can replace the usual drinks. In fact, it should be taken in courses lasting no more than 14 consecutive days. It is mandatory to observe breaks between courses, at least 2 months.

It is not shown the use of tea with thyme and in pregnancy, as in this state, women often experience a rise in pressure, and thyme contributes to its even more stimulation. Any use of such tea in people with chronic illnesses in the acute stage should be agreed with the attending physician, especially with regard to gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases.

How to make tea with thyme?

Prepare a tea like this is very simple. To do this, add 1 tsp to the usual number of ordinary black tea. dried leaves of thyme or a few dried inflorescences and pour boiling water in a teapot. Insist such tea is advised a little longer than usual, about 7-10 minutes. The result is an unusually aromatic and healthy drink. Strengthen health benefits of this tea can be, adding 1 spoonful of honey.

But not only black tea can be brewed with thyme. Green tea with thyme and mint is a traditional drink to relieve headaches. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix the dried ingredients in equal amounts and pour boiling water. After 7-8 minutes the drink is ready for use. Such teas are sold in our time and in pharmacy chains, but the benefits from the self-prepared product are much greater.

Thyme can be combined not only with classical teas, but also with other herbs and plants. You can create a recipe for tea with thyme on your own. It is perfectly combined with cowberry, clove, dog rose, honey, lemon, melissa, black currant and St. John's wort.