Collection for losing weight

Nature has given humanity a lot of plants that have a number of positive properties. There are various fees for weight loss, which can serve as an auxiliary to proper nutrition and sport. It is not necessary to hope, that simply using various broths and infusions it is possible to get rid of excess weight .

Effective fees for losing weight

In such gatherings the following grass groups are used:

  1. Reducing appetite . They get into the stomach and swell, which makes you feel full. This includes the althaea root, spirulina and flax seeds.
  2. Diuretics . A cleansing collection of these herbs for weight loss removes decay products and excess fluid. Such plants include burdock, field horsetail and leaves of cowberry.
  3. Increasing energy . Herbs included in this category improve metabolism and burn calories. This includes ginger and turmeric.
  4. Toning . This tea collection for weight loss stimulates metabolism and promotes the removal of fat from the body. This group includes lemongrass and ginseng.
  5. Laxatives and choleretic . Such plants stimulate the production of bile, which contributes to the improvement of the digestive system. This group includes dandelion, barberry and corn stigmas.

Popular is the Tibetan slimming collection, which improves the function of all excretory systems. It helps to cleanse the body of fat stores. For its preparation in equal proportions mixed chemist's daisy, St. John's wort, leaves of strawberries, birch buds and flowers of sandy immortelle.

Effective is considered the Crimean collection for weight loss, which has a complex effect on the body. It includes plants belonging to all the groups described above. There are such herbs in the composition: a cake, blackberry leaves, birches and hazelnuts, as well as spores, peppermint, senna, chamomile flowers, Tatar tea and dog rose.