Bee sweeping for weight loss

The use of bee dodger has long been not a novelty, although those who hear about this for the first time are certainly surprised. The fact is that the scuffle is the bodies of dead bees. According to experienced beekeepers, the apiary is a waste-free production, and everything that only appears on it, can benefit a person. Beeswax for weight loss began to be used accidentally - just by taking a decoction or a tincture from the disease, people noticed changes in the figure.

Beespine in folk medicine

Bees live very little, in warm times about a month, in the cold a little more, but such raw materials as a scallop on the apiary are always. This unusual product has all the medicinal properties of honey, which is capable of dispersing the metabolism and beneficially affect the human body. Most often it is suggested to use it for people suffering from such diseases as chronic lung diseases, prostate adenoma, liver diseases, problems with the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the muscular apparatus and even the central nervous system.

Beespine has no contraindications, except for cases of individual intolerance.

Application of beeswax in tincture:

Instead of buying a mysterious bee extract extract, you can prepare a mixture of natural raw materials. It's pretty simple and important - you know for sure that this is a natural product.

There is nothing easier than to make beeswax in a thermos. In the evening, pour a tablespoon of raw material with a glass of boiling water - and by the morning the infusion is ready! Take it you need half a glass on an empty stomach in the morning.

This infusion will have to be cooked almost every day. To keep the drug longer, you need to make an infusion of alcohol. Take the container, put the scoop and fill it with vodka, so that the liquid was above the level of the raw material by 3 cm. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking from time to time. However, alcohol solution inside can not be taken, it is suitable only for outdoor consumption.

In addition, you can make a decoction of bee soup. A tablespoon of raw materials half an hour boil in 2 glasses of water. Cool, filter, and ready. Take a tablespoon before meals.

Beesprays for weight loss allows you to lose 3-4 kg per month, provided that you do not overeat and do not abuse sweet and fat. The best results are given in combination with proper nutrition and sport.