What are Proofs on the Internet?

Modern technologies change not only technology, but also culture and language. Computer slang, which arose as a professional language of programmers and turned them into a mysterious caste, was adapted by Russian-speaking users. The need for rapid transmission of information made him very popular in everyday communication.

Proof - what is it?

With the advent of the Internet, more and more firm positions in the Russian language are occupied by Anglicisms. For example, at the present time proof is slang, but one can hypothetically assume that one day a mathematics teacher in a lesson will put an estimate for the proof of the theorem. If we consider in detail the question of what are proofs, then we can note three variants of the meaning of this word:

  1. Proof is the proof or confirmation of any statement or fact.
  2. Proof is a special technology for making medals and coins.
  3. Proof is a measure of strength of alcohol, not applied since 1980.

Пруфлинк - what is this?

If proof is proof, link is a link. Thus, a pruflink is a reference to a source that confirms the reliability of the information or the reality of the fact. In disputes, unfounded statements do not convince anyone, especially when it comes to information that is questionable. Opponents need confirmation, which they can check in person, by clicking on the link.

A good pruflink must meet the following requirements:

  1. It is necessary to refer to an authoritative source that does not raise doubts about the reliability of the published information. (Wiki-sources do not meet such requirements, due to the fact that they open access for editing information to anyone who wants to.)
  2. The reference to scientific research, its methods and results will be irreproachable.
  3. Not everyone knows what is photoprof, although this is an ideal pruflink - a link to the photo document. The same characteristics have profvideo - a link to the report from the scene, and prufpik - a link to the image.
  4. Do not refer to someone's "authoritative" opinion, because it is not for everyone. In addition, information, stated from the words of someone, receives a subjective interpretation and loses its objectivity.

What is proof on the Internet?

Internet gives a lot of opportunities not only for information, but also for communication in forums and social networks. Unfamiliar people enter into polemics on various issues, ardently defending their own opinion. Often, the dispute on the Internet - a useless thing, and arguing, as a rule, pursue their only known goals.

  1. In scientific Internet disputes, diverging views stimulate the generation of new ideas, and proofs are evidence that can be used to establish the truth.
  2. Sincere interest of the opponent in the information of interest to him gives a chance to expound and prove his view on the problem. For this it is necessary to have a good understanding of the contentious issue, to know what are the proofs, and to use them competently.
  3. Virtual reality is not predictable and can be thrown in as a debater, the so-called "troll", who, using anonymity, enjoys impunity. In this case, the dispute loses all meaning, because any arguments and proofs become an occasion for provocations and insults.

What are Proofs in games?

The global network can not only expand the horizon, but also brighten up leisure. Online games allow you to interact with players that are sometimes thousands of miles away. In a virtual world, a player can pass a super-complex level, win, or even win a real cash prize, and then share this event on the network, giving a link (which means proof in the language of gamers) in confirmation.

Proofs - what is it in numismatics?

One of the values ​​of English proof is a test, a test, a proof copy. Initially, several first coins were called Proofs, minted already approved, but still a new stamp. Later, it became known as a special technology of coinage and medal minting. Numismatists know perfectly well what the quality of proof is in coins: