Fasting on Ohanyan

Marva Ohanyan is a physician-therapist, the author of several books and the creator of the method of natural treatment based on starvation. The essence of fasting on the Ohanyans is a refusal of food for 7 to 15 days, using herbal decoctions and freshly squeezed juices. According to the author of the technique, such cleansing is curative for everyone, regardless of the presence of certain chronic diseases. However, the method of fasting according to Marve Ohanyan with a clear conscience can be called extreme.


Fasting begins at seven o'clock in the evening with a laxative . If you do not have gastritis or ulcers - take 50 g of magnesium sulfate dissolved in ¾ cup of warm water. In the presence of gastritis / ulcer - drink a glass of decoction of grass hay. All this is washed down with a special decoction of herbs for starvation along the Ohanians with honey and lemon.

Herbs for special decoction:

All these herbs we take on a glass and mix in a saucepan. Take 2 tablespoons. collecting, pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist 30 minutes. Then you can drink.

From 7 to 9 hours you need to drink 5 - 6 glasses. In this case, after taking the laxative, you need to lie down on your right side, without a pillow, by placing a heating pad under the liver. At 9 o'clock go to bed.

In the morning from 7 to 9, do an enema - in 2 liters of warm water, dissolve 1 tablespoon. salt and 1 tsp. soda. Do enema in the knee-elbow position, 2 - 3 times. This procedure should be done every morning.

Well, and, of course, the main point in the medical starvation of the Ohanyans is nothing to eat from 7 to 14 days. Every hour you need to drink a glass of broth, so that a day turned out for 12 glasses. After an hour, we combine it with freshly squeezed juice - from citrus fruits, berries, etc. depending on the season.

During the fasting you will feel nausea, purulent mucus will leave the nasopharynx - it clears the body. Nausea should not be restrained.


Exit from starvation to Ohanian means, there is practically nothing else for 2 months. The first four days after the end of fasting, you can eat grated vegetables and fruits. The next 4 days - you can add salads from fresh vegetables and fruits without the addition of oils or salt. After 10 days you can fill with lemon juice or berries.

After 20 days - daily add to the diet for 1 raw yolk.

After 2 months you can start eating porridge on the water and exclusively vegetable soups.

At the same time, Marva Ohanyan recommends in general to give up animal products, yeast bread and broths. And three months after the end of the previous fasting, start the purification process again from the beginning.