Cellulose for weight loss and body cleansing

The assortment of all kinds of dietary supplements in pharmacies that help to gain harmony, just amazing, as well as their composition. Some additives contain chemical components and can damage health, but not cellulose for weight loss, which in its composition contains only tissue, or rather, cotton waste. They fulfill the role of fiber, which is usually taken from fruits and vegetables.

Microcrystalline cellulose for weight loss

This substance is not digested by the body, but it performs several very important functions that together and provide weight loss:

  1. MCC for weight loss absorbs the body's fluid. Fabric fibers swell in the stomach, occupying a significant part of its volume, and thereby create a feeling of satiety, excluding overeating.
  2. The caloric content of cellulose for weight loss is zero, which means it can not provide energy to the body, which forces the latter to draw it from its own fat stores.
  3. Cellulose plays the role of a brush in the intestines, cleaning it from toxins, slags and other decay products.
  4. Normalizes digestion and stool, reduces the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

MCC - method of use for weight loss

This drug can have the appearance of both powder and tablets, taken internally with a large amount of liquid. Some wrestlers with excess weight prefer to add MKC diet pills to food - soups, second courses, salads, because it has no taste and smell, but the main condition for the intake is still the consumption of a large amount of liquid necessary for the cellulose to swell in the organs of the digestive tract.

How correctly to take MCC for weight loss?

Prescription to the drug says that three times during the entire wakeful period, you can take 3-5 tablets. It is this dose that provides a natural level of fiber intake per day. However, for better quality weight loss it is recommended to gradually increase the daily dose to 35-50 tablets. Weight loss with the help of the ICC is based on taking the dose recommended by the developers in the first 7 days, increasing it to 10 pills for the second week, for the third one to 20, and for 4 to 30-50.

Cellulose should be taken 20 minutes before the meal, washed down with at least one glass of plain water. The course of such a change of its shape is 1 month, although it can be prolonged without a fear of one's health for up to 2-3 months, but then you must make a thirty-day break. For a month, you can lose 3-5 kg ​​of weight, and to accelerate this process, it is recommended to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and move a lot.

Cleansing with microcrystalline cellulose

The state of health of a person, his appearance is completely dependent on nutrition. The intestine is the vital root. When it is slagged, accumulation of stool disrupts its function, prevents the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients. Purification of the intestine with microcrystalline cellulose helps to establish its full-fledged work. Tissue fibers interfere with the absorption of glucose, thereby normalizing the concentration of sugar in the blood, normalizing the pressure. For the processing of foods with fiber, the body spends a lot of calories-just how much it takes during a 20-minute run.

Diet pills MCC - microcrystalline cellulose

There are a large number of preparations based on tissue fibers, which purify and revitalize the body, control the body weight, based on the physiological needs of the organism in the cellulose. The latter reduces the duration of contact of intestinal or toxic substances produced in it with the mucous surface, reduces absorption, reduces the time of movement of stool, normalizes the beneficial microflora. ICC tablets are an excellent prevention of cancer, heart disease and arteries. They reduce the risk of becoming a diabetic.

MKC Evalar for weight loss

This dietary supplement is characterized by ultra-fine cleaning, increased ability to absorb moisture and sorbing properties. It is shown to be used when:

  1. Obesity to reduce the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.
  2. Diabetes mellitus for the normalization of the amount of glucose in the blood.
  3. Atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease.
  4. Tablets Evalar MCC can accelerate recovery with intoxication and various kinds of poisoning, performing the function of activated charcoal.
  5. With any diseases of the digestive system associated with digestive disorders.

Cellulose for weight loss from this manufacturer is taken in the same volume, that is, 3-5 tablets at a time. Against the backdrop of a low-calorie nutrition system, a stable decrease in body parameters is observed, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism improves, overall performance improves. Losing weight feels the opportunity and desire to move more, to enjoy life.

Cortez MCC

This product of the Ukrainian company is inexpensive, as well as supplements of other manufacturers, so everyone can struggle with excess weight in this way. If desired, the slimming person can start taking 1-2 tablets, then go to 50 and gradually return to the original dose, so that the body is easier to break out. There is such a drug from this line, as the Cortez MCC diets, which is enriched with kelp - seaweed, which increase the value of this dietary supplements.

The sea cabbage contains about 40 different macro and microelements, as well as many vitamins and mineral salts that can fill the lack of nutrients during active weight loss. A persistent effect can be obtained by taking 6 tablets three times a day. Losing weight with the help of MCC can be a pleasure, if everything is done strictly according to instructions and believe in oneself. And the main assistants in this matter will be rational nutrition and sport.

MCC for weight loss - contraindications

Cellulose can cause constipation. This is the main side effect of MCC, which develops due to insufficient fluid intake. Do not combine its use with other medicines, legumes, fruits and vegetables in large quantities, otherwise you can not avoid flatulence and pain in the abdomen. It will bring MSC harm to women in the position and lactation period, elderly people suffering from bulimia and anorexia.