Consumption of calories during walking

We all walk a lot during the day, and do not even guess that we can go from one to ten kilometers a day! Walking brings great benefits to our body: it helps to strengthen the heart and cardiovascular system, improves the work of the respiratory system, oxygenates the cells, and, of course, promotes weight loss. When walking, we burn calories and help the body to easily lose weight. So, for a month with the help of regular walking you can lose 2-3 kilograms, and this is a very good indicator. But, at the same time, you need to remember that walking is different, which means that the calorie consumption during walking is different. Note that if you just walk in the park or in the park, then you will spend significantly less calories than if you are active, for example, sports walking. So if you have a goal to lose weight by walking, you need to change the uniform walking step to a faster and more useful one.

Estimated calculation of calorie consumption

On average, a person can spend two hundred to three hundred calories per hour of fast walking, or two hours of slow walking. And, if your weight is more than sixty kilograms, then in one hour of fast walking you will be able to burn three hundred calories. But, at the same time, pay attention that the more your speed, the more calories will be consumed.

To calculate the calorie consumption for fast walking, you need to know that walking is not less than an hour, and better - 2-3 hours daily, then you will see the result in a couple of months.

And yet, if you pursue a goal - losing weight, then try to go on a day at least 7-10 kilometers. Ideally, walk 2 hours in the morning before breakfast, and two hours in the evening after a light dinner.

By the way, regular and regular walking will help not only to lose weight, but also significantly strengthen immunity and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Calorie consumption when walking

Considering this question, you need to know that the burning of calories affects a huge number of important factors weight, age, health status, diet, physical fitness, metabolic status, regular walks and their duration, temperature on the street and much more.

As already mentioned, the burning of calories with fast walking is much stronger and more intense than slow. So, the consumption of calories for Nordic walking will be much better than with normal walking walks. Below we offer a table with averaged calorie consumption.