Signs on the Old New Year - what signs come true?

Slavic signs for the Old New Year were formed in ancient times, when the celebrations were held on the night of January 13 to January 14, according to the Julian calendar. Celebrate this date in our time, arranging joint fortune-telling, Christmas trees and Christmas carols, because this night is considered the most mysterious and mysterious.

Folk signs for the Old New Year

The result of the appearance of this holiday was the shift of the calendar for 13 days. Russians celebrate it with great joy, but foreigners can not understand it, and no other country has such a date. The signs for the Old New Year were formed over the years and passed down from generation to generation. You can still believe them today, because most of them bear a truly truthful meaning:

  1. During the feast the first man must cross the threshold of the house.
  2. The mistress of the house is obliged to cook dinner, including pies in it.
  3. With the dawn, shake off the snow from the trees in the garden of the house.

Old signs for the Old New Year were of church significance. On this day Vasily, the holy archbishop, who later was called the Great, departed to another world. He devoted his entire life to the service of God, and much of his family was also converted. Holy servants recorded weather events that occurred on that day and predicted possible cold or thaw:

  1. On the holiday a clear starry sky - the second half of winter will be cold.
  2. If there is a heavy snowfall - a slushy and rainy July.

How to celebrate the Old New Year - signs

As for any other Russian holiday, a rich table with refreshments is laid and friends and relatives are invited. The night from January 13 to January 14 is considered the last one, in which the herringbone still stands, after 14 it should be immediately removed, because it can draw in the house an evil spirit. Songs and dances are considered compulsory on this holiday both for raising the mood and for repelling evil spirits. Signs for the Old New Year are still observed in many families, and are passed on to the younger generation.

  1. Do not think this night is a trifle and do not take it easy - otherwise it will be the whole year.
  2. Do not say "thirteen".
  3. Do not give anyone and nothing in debt, you will be poor all year.
  4. There is a soft snowfall - the coming year will be memorable.

Signs of money for the Old New Year

Everybody dreams of money in the coming time. Our ancestors also wanted to become financially secure, and therefore did not miss the opportunity to use the signs and beliefs of the Old New Year. Such a night is considered one of the most magical in the year, and making wishes, performing rituals, guessing, etc., was considered compulsory, especially at a young age.

  1. Give all the debts before the holiday and do not take new ones.
  2. Get rid of all the broken dishes.
  3. Dress new things, if possible, throw out the Old.
  4. Put in your pocket money, the highest possible dignity.
  5. Do not gamble.

Signs for trading on the Old New Year

For superstitious entrepreneurs, the Old New Year is considered one way to raise your financial level and improve sales. Signs and rituals on the Old New Year say that money likes silence. Do not brag about your sales on the holiday, otherwise they may not happen again. If a person wants to sell a house, then on the night of the celebration it is advised to go around the house three times.

Do not be lazy to work, even on a holiday. Trading loves perseverance and it is believed that that seller who goes home later than the rest will necessarily be in profit. On the night of 13 to 14, be sure to put in your goods a large bill of money to attract them. As you know, money goes to money. Invite your friends to buy something from you, even an insignificant thing, for a good start to the year.

Signs of the weather for the Old New Year

The Russian people have always been very superstitious and follow the traditions of our ancestors is considered normal. Signs and rituals for the Old New Year set people up for a happy future, help to think positively and confidently, and as everyone knows, thoughts are material. This night is considered magical, because according to the old beliefs, all witches go out into it and arrange covenants, and songs and dances in houses drive them away from people.

Knowing what signs of the Old New Year were and how much our ancestors believed in them, you can see that most of them are true. Especially it concerns the weather. The natural phenomena of that night were carefully monitored and recorded over the years. And even without taking into account the fact that modern ecology has changed the climate, according to some predictions it is possible to understand what winter will be like, whether there will be snowstorms, rains, cold and much more.

  1. The wind blows from the south, it will be a hot year.
  2. Frost and snow - a big harvest.
  3. The sun is high, the year will be warm and happy.
  4. Wind from the east, there will be a harvest of fruit.

Old New Year - signs for girls

Young girls on January, 13th do not miss an opportunity to tell fortunes or pay attention to national signs under Old New year. All right, because it can predict their future destiny. Especially it concerns single girls, or dreaming to marry. The magic night can give not only hope, but also to prompt in what direction it is necessary to move to find the love.

  1. The girl should cook and eat with friends vareniki with a surprise.
  2. Put a ring under the pillow and wait for someone who comes in a dream.
  3. Put on some new thing.

Many people arrange fortune-telling on this day. Signs and customs of the Old New Year are being pushed to the fights not only of girls, but also of young men. This joint pastime perfectly helps to relax, have fun and to consolidate the celebration of the New Year. The final celebration sets up for the end of the holidays and an exit into the daily routine.

Signs on the Old New Year for marriage

The human biofield is divided into many parts and each of them is responsible for a certain part of life. Horoscope for marriage is very closely related to the New Year holidays and takes into account all the signs for the Old New Year for marriage. The experience of ancestors shows that this is an effective and tested option, and following it and it is really possible, it is faster to get married.

  1. Do not clean the apartment on the eve of the holiday.
  2. To cook on a solemn table exclusively.
  3. With last year's failure in love, burn the calendar, in the Old New Year.

Signs on the Old New Year for pregnancy

The most pleasant thing in the life of every girl is motherhood. If a woman dreams next year to see two strips on the test, then you need to follow some traditions. They do not give one hundred percent guarantee, but will prompt in what direction it is necessary to pay attention to the woman who dreams about the child. What are the signs for the Old New Year to be performed by the girls?

  1. To jump over the fire.
  2. Prepare a rich dinner.
  3. Exactly at 12 am, go outside and look at the sky to ask the baby.