Slimming products in the pharmacy

Many women are sure that they can not cope with their own strengths with excess kilograms, and they are looking for pharmaceutical means for losing weight. As far as it is safe and necessary, we will consider in this article.

How do drugs work for weight loss?

To begin with, let us recall the very nature of excess weight. This is not a disease, it is the energy reserve that the body does when energy is supplied with food more than it consumes. In other words, in order to lose weight, you need to either cut back on food or increase activity - both will lead to a natural and safe consumption of stocks and, as a result, weight loss.

Means for losing weight, which you will find in the pharmacy, can not for you either cut the food, or add activity, and their action is based on the violation of natural processes. So, for example, drugs based on sibutramine (Reduxin, Meridia, Lindax) block the center in the brain, which is responsible for feeling appetite. Such drugs are banned in the EU and the US due to the fact that cases of mental disorders that occurred as a result of the admission were registered.

There are also drugs that block the absorption of fats (for example, Xenical ). This medicine disrupts the natural metabolism and causes intestinal disorders up to the incontinence of feces.

Various inexpensive means for weight loss, the list of which is very large, are either laxatives or diuretics, and the only thing they can do is to withdraw the contents of the intestine and the liquid from the body. Fat mass, which spoils the body, from this will not go anywhere. But serious health problems as a result of this "treatment" is quite possible.

The conclusion is one: whatever advertising promises, the potential harm to the body is too dangerous. You will perfectly save if instead of buying an expensive drug you simply stop taking home sweets, fatty and floury, and will switch to proper nutrition.