Vitamin d3 - what does it need for women and what foods do they contain?

Vitamins are satellites of a full human life. They, along with other useful substances, give us strength and allow us to enjoy life , realize the most grandiose plans. Each of them has its own purpose and spectrum of action. "Vitamin series" is quite large, and D3 occupies a worthy place here; his scientific name is "cholecalciferol".

Vitamin D3 - what is it for?

D3 is one of the few vitamins that can synthesize the human body. True, this requires certain conditions, in particular, the presence of sunlight: he is the main creator of cholecalciferol. There is another way of replenishment: through food. How big its role is and why vitamin D3 is needed, let's try to figure it out.

The human body can not do without it:

How to take vitamin D3 in adults?

Recently it was believed that the "solar vitamin" is needed only for children, because it allows to correctly form the children's skeleton and avoid rickety changes. However, today doctors agree that it is no less important for adults. Cholecalciferol is available in various forms: in tablets, drops, suspensions, solutions for injections, sweets for chewing. How to apply vitamin D3 - is calculated individually by the attending physician depending on many factors.

The daily norm of vitamin D3 for women

The female body especially needs it, for good reason it is often called the "hormone of female health". To understand why vitamin D3 is so important for what it is needed by women, it is enough to know that during the period of puberty during menses, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, a significant amount of calcium is washed out of the female body. Usually it is involved in strengthening bone tissue. When it decreases, fragility of bones increases and characteristic signs of beriberi occur.

People of advanced age suffer less from the lack of calcium, and especially women who have problems with bones, which lead to serious problems in the future. To prevent possible problems and serious injuries, it is necessary to regularly supplement the female body with calcium and phosphorus. In this case, the daily dose of vitamin D3 depends on the state of health and age; indicators are as follows:

What foods contain vitamin D3?

The human body is unable to produce the required amount of D3, so some of it can be obtained with food, but provided that the menu will include foods containing vitamin and rich in calcium and phosphorus. In significant quantities, vitamin D3 in products:

Lack of vitamin D3 - symptoms

The lack of this remedy in the children's body turns into rickets. Deficiency of vitamin D3 in adults is not so obvious signs, but the negative consequences can be quite severe and often become irreversible if the time is not taken to restore the necessary balance of D3. The lack of a vitamin is characterized by the following symptoms:

The presence of this vitamin element in the body plays the role of an amulet, protecting it from attacks of cancer cells, skin lesions. Adults, no less than children, need vitamin D3, whose benefit is to strengthen immunity, bone tissue, teeth, nails and prevent colds. In adulthood, it is no less relevant than in children.

Overdose of vitamin D3

As practice shows, an overabundance is also harmful, as well as a shortcoming, and in some cases may even be more dangerous. All this applies to cholecalciferol. The excess of vitamin D3 can cause serious poisoning of the body, it does not matter if the overdose has occurred as a result of a single or prolonged drug intake. Symptoms of overdose are: