Honey massage for weight loss

We have such deposits buried under our skin that it's scary to talk about this: fat, subcutaneous fluid, dead red blood cells, lymphocytes, leukocytes, lymph - all this was supposed to be excreted from the body with sweat, urine and feces, but due to some malfunctions health, it did not happen. Cellulite and excess weight, often, and are the consequence of just these here are the subcutaneous deposits. Today we will talk about the method of deducing all this "dirt" - about honey massage for weight loss.


Everyone knows that honey is a storehouse of vitamins, and it's time for its consumption - winter. Immunity rests on an honest word, we are attacked by microbes, viruses and infections, the benefits in vegetables and fruits are less.

But there is a variant of external reception of honey, moreover, no less useful.

This is honey massage. Honey, as a natural absorbent, causes the use of honey massage and gives us the opportunity to withdraw fat, which simply grabbed our body and does not want to part with it.

Honey easily penetrates the skin, and then, with the help of our hands, leaves the subcutaneous space, taking with it fat, dead cells, dead skin, fluid and lymph.


Let's not resort to expensive salon honey massage, because we need at least 10 procedures, and we learn how to make honey massage yourself.

The essence of the method: honey is applied to the skin, we "drive" it inside through the pores, then "knock out". Next, you should wash away everything that came out of us without soap and sponges.

And now in details about how to properly make honey massage.

Before the massage, the skin should be warmed up: it can be a preliminary training-warm-up, with jumps, running on the spot, working out the whole body, or, light self-massage with stroking, pinching and patting movements.

So, the body is warmed up. Now warm up the potion!

Honey is heated to the viscosity in a water bath (biologically active products should not be heated above 40 ° C). To honey, you can add a few drops of essential oil - citrus or almond.

For one procedure you need about 3 tablespoons. honey, not more.

We begin with the most problematic areas: we apply honey patting on a small patch of skin. Then press the palm to the skin with honey and tear off, but not entirely - the fingers should stay on the skin. Thus, we "drive" all the honey into the body. This will take about 10 minutes.

We continue "clinging" and "push-ups" until a white foamy mixture starts out from under the skin - it's dirty, already used honey, which has done its work.

Thus, we study all the problem areas, paying special attention to the honey massage of the stomach for weight loss. Places where honey begins to leave, cover with a warm wet towel, when you have finished the procedure, wash off honey under a warm shower and apply moisturizing cream.

Correct honey

As for carrying out honey massage at home we should not pay the masseur, after all we do everything ourselves, we can afford to choose the best honey.

Actually, it's not so important what kind of honey you choose - linden, buckwheat, acacia, meadow, etc., the main thing is that it is not re-heated. Therefore, we choose this year's honey, fresh, which has not yet had time to be sugared and to be melted by an unscrupulous producer.

Or the reverse variant: if there is no honey of this year, choose the jars with the candied honey, it proves that it was not exactly warmed up.

After the procedure

Honey massage is a painful business, it makes no sense to hide it. But, what can you do, because the procedure will bring you health and beauty. In order to relax psychologically, relieve tension from the muscles, help the body to remove the liquid, because our metabolism is very active and prone to "cleaning", we recommend that after a massage you drink a cup of green tea and lie a bit and be lazy in bed.