Weight Loss Simulators

How often did it happen that you had a great desire to practice, but you did not want to run out of the house at all, it was too hot, then the torrential rain was pouring, or maybe you are too shy to study at the gym and contemplate the girls with more perfect ones around you forms? The desire has appeared, the opportunity has not presented itself and the noble impulse of the soul has not been realized. It is for such cases and invented home fitness equipment for weight loss.

Nobody will argue that it is so convenient and cozy to do your body without leaving home and without being constrained by the views of strangers. However, there is one "but". In the hall, the coach will advise which simulator will most effectively deal with you, and at home all the responsibility lies with your shoulders. Therefore, let's figure out which simulator will be effective for losing weight.

Lose weight or get pumped?

Before choosing a simulator it is necessary to clearly define the purpose, so that later there would be no disappointments. If you need to pump a certain muscle group - the power simulator is the most, but for weight loss it's not enough just to pump the abdominal muscle, you need a big loss of energy due to intensive work of all muscles. This is the intensity and will provide cardiovascular equipment. So, weight training machines for weight loss are not suitable, but cardiothoracists will help to lose all unnecessary. However, among them there are more, and less effective.

Cardio Weight Loss Supplements

The most popular and effective among slimming machines is the treadmill .

It is during the run that the maximum number of muscles is involved, the breathing is deep, the heartbeat is accelerated. For weight loss during training, you need to increase your heart rate to 60-80% of the maximum allowable number of heartbeats. Especially it concerns the most problem zone - the abdomen. Many are engaged exclusively in pumping the abdominal muscles, but the result does not come. Slimming belly requires the burning of subcutaneous fat, otherwise your pumped up muscle no one can appreciate.

In addition to the treadmill, an elliptical simulator can help.

It is more harmless for the joints, because after the treadmill many complain of pain, but it combines the advantages of exercise bikes , and racetracks and steppers. A very effective weight loss belly exerciser, but it belongs to the most expensive category and takes up a lot of space.

In addition, there are all known exercise bikes

and steppers .

Neither one nor the other will not provide intensive fat burning, as they focus on specific muscle groups. But vibrotrainers can very much help to work on individual problem areas.

Vibration Trainers

Vibration trainers are of two types:

vibrating platform

vibratory massagers

Vibration platforms will help to make fitness classes more effective, as they spread vibration to the whole organism, as a result - the efficiency increases several times. But a truly vibrotrainer for weight loss can be called vibro-massagers. They consist of tapes that can both vibrate the problem areas for weight loss, and provide you with a relaxing massage after training.

We examined what simulators are needed for weight loss. However, do not forget about such concepts as cost, size and convenience. Go to the center of selling simulators in a sports suit, try it on yourself, you will definitely find several simulators, on which you will feel like a fish in the water. And if one of them is also affordable, then this is the simulator that will become your faithful companion on the way to a slender body.