Consequences of the use of salt

Cookery salt has long and firmly entered the habitual diet of man. Dishes flavored with this spice irritate the language receptors, so they are considered more interesting and brighter to the taste. Mistresses generously add it to salads, first, second dishes, and of course, do not stint on home preparations. It is not surprising that very few people ask themselves whether salt is harmful to the body, because it is such a natural product for us. However, nutrition experts have been sounding alarm for several years: salt can cause many chronic diseases.

Why is salt harmful?

The statement: "in a spoon - medicine, in a cup - poison" best describes the properties of such a popular seasoning. After all, first of all, salt is harmful to the body, if you consume it in large quantities. It's all about the main component of white crystals - sodium chloride. Its daily requirement (6-10 g) is contained in one teaspoonful. Excess of this mineral is the cause of hypertension, stroke, dehydration, nervous disorders, early aging of the body and a number of other diseases.

However, if we are to talk about what is harmful salt, then it will not be about the most common salt, which we add to the dishes at home. The threat is represented by processed products containing about 75% of consumed sodium. In fact, many foods that no one perceives as "salty", such as crushed grain products, contain more sodium than snacks or potato chips. Therefore, if you are trying to adhere to the principles of healthy eating , make sure that your diet is dominated by natural products that have not been processed at the factory. This will limit the amount of sodium that comes with food and safely add salt to your favorite homemade dishes
