How much in buckwheat protein?

Many are accustomed to perceive buckwheat as a cereal product, which means it contains a maximum of carbohydrates. However, among all the croups, this protein contains quite a lot of protein (this is the second name of the protein), due to which it is so popular among athletes and people who follow their figure. From this article you will learn how much in buckwheat protein, and how you can use this product with health benefits.

How many grams of protein in buckwheat (croup)?

If we talk about the raw croup, and not about the cooked side dish, the figures will turn out to be quite large: the energy value is 330 kcal, of which 12.6 g are proteins, 64 grams are carbohydrates (with 0 grams of sugars!), 3.3 g - fats.

Knowing how much protein is contained in raw buckwheat, it is worth remembering that in the process of cooking this product swells three times, and all its indicators suffer significant changes.

How much protein is cooked in buckwheat?

Talking about how many proteins in buckwheat, which is already ready for consumption, you can see that all the figures were reduced three-fold: the energy value is 110 kcal, while the protein in the 4.2 grams, carbohydrates - 21.3 g, fat - 1.1 g. Thus, cooked buckwheat is a useful, nutritious product that easily and permanently sates and brings great benefits to the body.

Vitamin-mineral composition of buckwheat

Buckwheat porridge, loved by many since childhood, is rich in various vitamins and minerals. Among the vitamins in it the most E and PP, and also there are a sufficient amount of beta-carotene, A, B1, B2, B6 and B9. Many note that with the inclusion of buckwheat in the diet improves the condition of hair, nails and skin - this effect is due to the abundance of vitamins.

In addition, in the buckwheat contains a lot of trace elements - magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus, iodine, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, fluorine, selenium, silicon and some others. This is the perfect breakfast and a side dish to any meat dishes!

How is it more useful to eat buckwheat?

For all buckwheat diets, a rather interesting recipe for cooking buckwheat is used: a glass of washed cereal is put into a thermos, poured with three glasses of steep boiling water, is closed and left for the whole night. The next morning you get a whole thermos of delicious, crumbly buckwheat. It is believed that it is with this preparation that the croup retains the maximum of useful substances and is able to bring the greatest benefit to the whole organism.