Dried bananas

Bananas are now sold in abundance. All year round, if you want, you can eat fresh exotic fruit, is it possible to dry it? It turns out not only possible, but desirable. Dried banana - a deposit of substances necessary for the body. Everybody knows that the bouillon cube is a concentrate of 0.5 liters of broth. So the dried banana is the concentrate of almost the whole banana brush.

Caloric content of dried bananas is almost like that of chocolate candies.

Many people confuse dried bananas with jerky. The difference is obvious. Dried bananas are a more dehydrated product - chips in other words. A dried banana is a reduced, sticky copy of the present. But once in the category "Dried bananas" were both, let's give each kind of attention.

Dried bananas are good for the work of the heart. Potassium, contained in them, will help from cramps in the legs. Instantly saturates the body with glucose. Such an energy pill. Ate and recharged for the whole day. This miracle fruit is not recommended for diabetics alone. And the banana is a fruit of joy, as the body begins to produce more serotonin - the harmony of happiness.

Even those who follow a diet can use a dried banana, but little by little, of course. After all, you do not overeat with sweets, if you want to lose weight, you can not bananas. So how do you make dried bananas?

Dried bananas - recipe

For the preparation of dried bananas, there are three ways: you can use an electric dryer, oven or ... the sun. Choose only ripe fruit with a light flesh.

Many fans of dried bananas, at home, achieve very high quality. Do not want the end product to turn out to be dark? For this there is a little secret. Like apples, bananas can be protected from darkening with acidified water. Dip them before drying into water with lemon juice, and they will remain light.

Dried bananas in an electric drier



We clear fruits and cut them in circles or in length into 4 parts. Small bananas can be dried entirely, but the smaller the pieces, the faster they dry out. And less likely that the undried product will deteriorate during storage. We lower the lobules for a few seconds into acidified water. We lay out on a pallet, so that the pieces do not touch. In an electric dryer, the process takes an average of 8 hours.

Dried bananas - a recipe for the oven



We clear fruits and cut them in circles or in length into 4 parts. We lower for a few seconds into acidified water. We lay out on a lattice, lining a sheet of paper for baking, pinned with a toothpick for better air ventilation. In the oven, you can get this delicacy in about 10 hours at the lowest temperature, sometimes even when the door is open. Circles should not touch each other.

Dried bananas: how to cook by natural drying?



If weather conditions permit, dry bananas in the sun. Thus, they can be dried even completely. Lay the fruit on a ventilated pallets and cover with gauze. Periodically take out the pallets in the tent, on the breeze. The readiness is determined by the white coating - the sugar crust on the surface.

Bananas properly cooked at home, stored in cans with tight lids in the refrigerator. Almost a whole year can be charged with these wonderful pieces, unless, of course, you do not eat them much faster.

Ready dried bananas can be eaten just like that, and you can add to pudding or a banana cake .