How to eat sushi?

In recent years, Japanese cuisine has become very popular in our country. And to find a modern man who never tried sushi and rolls is very difficult. But how to eat sushi with chopsticks and not disgrace it, know not all. Yes, and behavior at the table should also correspond to etiquette. Therefore, in this article, we want to share with you the secrets of how to properly eat sushi.

How to learn to eat sushi?

By and large this is not so difficult. Now the Internet has a lot of videos and photos, in which everything is shown and told. We, in turn, want to tell you not only how to eat with chopsticks for sushi, but also about the general rules of Japanese etiquette.

How do Japanese eat sushi?

The first thing that strikes our compatriot is that the sushi is eaten with chopsticks. So first let's talk about them. During a meal in Japan, it is not accepted to stick sticks into food, that is, you can not use them as a fork. Chopsticks only take bits. Also, one should not lick or chew sticks - this is a bad tone. During the meal with chopsticks you can not swing, write something on the table, show them on some subject.

It is also forbidden to transfer sushi to each other with the help of sharp ends of sticks, this is done with a thick end. The same applies to the case when you need to take sushi from a common plate.

If there are sushi, sashimi and rolls on the dish, you should first eat rolls. This has nothing to do with the rules of etiquette, but it can affect the taste of nori (provided that the rolls will lie for a while and the nori will get wet). In the rest the order does not matter.

If for you the science of eating with Chinese sticks is too complicated, then you can eat sushi with your hands. Japanese etiquette is allowed.

Sushi is most often served with green tea. It allows you to fully enjoy the taste of this dish, and does not drown it.

How to eat sushi?

Now go directly to how to properly eat sushi.

And sushi, and rolls are made in small sizes, so that it was convenient to eat them whole. You can not bite off a piece of sushi, and put the rest again in a bowl.

In order to eat sushi, it should be taken with chopsticks, then put on its side (already at its plate), and then again take this piece so that it was possible to dip the fish into soy sauce. Fish on the land is located on top, this causes the need to first put the sushi on its side.

After you have dipped sushi in soy sauce, send it to your mouth with fish up.

But not all types of sushi are used with soy sauce. Some species are eaten with pickled ginger. Then you need to oil the fish on the sushi with ginger, and send the sushi into the fish's mouth down. Sashim is also used with wasabi sauce.

How to eat sushi with chopsticks?

To begin with, it should be said that they eat sushi with sharp ends of sticks. The wands themselves can be wooden, plastic or even metal. In our Japanese restaurants most often serve disposable wooden sticks. You can also be offered a training version of sticks. But it can not be said that they correspond to Japanese culture.

But we will still return to how there are ordinary Japanese chopsticks. One wand you need to put in the notch between the thumb and forefinger, and put the end of the stick on the phalanx of the ring finger. The thumb fixes the wand motionless. The second stick is applied to the index finger, making it seem to be a continuation of the finger, and fix with a thumb pad. Thus, the first stick is fixed, but the second moves along with the index finger. Sushi should be held with the tips of the rods, respectively, the ends should equally protrude, and not be of different lengths.