Door rug

As the theater begins with a hanger, so the house begins with a rug at the door. This unremarkable working man gets without exaggeration the dirtiest work in the house, because his purpose is not to let the sand, mud and snow beyond the threshold. On how to choose the right mat, we'll talk today.

How to choose a door mat?

So, we recover to the store for the perfect door mat. Or rather - rugs. Yes, in the conditions of our latitudes you can not do it with one rug, and for complete protection of the dwelling from external mud they will need at least two: one must be placed directly in front of the front door (staircase, vestibule or porch ), and the second one hallway. Accordingly, the functions of these two rugs will differ slightly - the first will take the main blow and will serve to remove the main dirt, the share of the second will get much less pollution. Based on this material, the size and shape of these two mats should be slightly different from each other.

Step 1 - choose the material

The best materials for outdoor mat will be resistant to wear, easily washable and indifferent to temperature changes plastic or rubber. To clean dirt from rubber door mats is easier than light - you only need to scrape off the sand, and then rinse them in a bucket or under a stream of water. In the case of using cellular plastic mats, it is even easier to remove - it is enough to raise the edge of the rug and sweep out the accumulated dirt from under it.

As for the door mats for the hallway, the choice of possible materials for them is much broader. It can be both natural fibers (wool, coconut fiber), and the old good synthetics (polyester, kapron, etc.). At the same time, artificial fibers are much more convenient and practical than natural ones, because they are easier to carry out washing and cleaning, and also dry faster. The exception is the mats of coconut fiber, which, although not imply washing, but easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner . The hardest thing is to take care of rugs made from natural wool, because this material has the property of quickly becoming dirty, difficult to clean and long to dry. But the unpleasant musty smell of a wool mat can "please" the owners quickly enough.

Step 2 - choose the design

Having defined the material, we proceed to the choice of form and color. Of course, personal favors play the first fiddle, but the basic tricks to know, too, will not hurt. So, the choice of shapes and colors for outdoor mats from rubber or plastic is not so great - often semi-circular or rectangular products of discreet colors (black, red, green) are found on sale. But if you set a goal to stand out, you can find and really interesting specimens, for example, openwork or funny outdoor door mats, decorated with funny inscriptions or funny pictures.

When choosing a mat for the hallway, it is better to extinguish your desire for self-expression and buy a practical and discreet model. Looking at possible color solutions, it should be borne in mind that the most colorful ones will be solid color mats of dark or light color. They will be visible almost every speck of dust and villi, so they will have to be cleaned often enough. And the longest to keep clean and fresh are the rugs of motley (marble) colors, made in dark tones. The shape and size of the door mat for the hallway can be any. The main thing is that it has a special anti-slip coating, which prevents its free movement on the floor.