What to feed the monthly kitten?

Have you longed to start a four-legged friend and, finally, decided? Or the kitten fell on you like snow on your head - was sitting under your door and squealing piteously? And maybe you could get him from friends? Whatever it was, for sure the first question that you had, will sound like this: how to feed a small kitten?

First, you should decide whether you will give him natural products and ready-made food. In the second case, your tasks will include only buying food that corresponds to the age of the baby: about two months it is better to give special pates, canned food and meat pieces in jelly, and in the seventh - eighth week of life, you can safely transfer the cat to dry food. Here we should say a few words about how to feed the kitten often. Ideally, meals a day should not be less than six, because the representatives of the cat family very quickly develop and grow, and they need a lot of forces.

Specialized feeds

If before that you did not have cats, it is quite possible, you will be asked the question: what kind of food to feed the kitten? You should consult a veterinarian about this. We recommend choosing premium products: it is fully balanced and contains all vitamins and trace elements necessary for the growing organism. But cheap food is better not to take: perhaps they satisfy the feeling of hunger, but at the same time they "beat" the cat's stomach and liver. Be sure to ensure that the animal has always had free access to drinking water - it must be fresh and clean.

Natural food for a small kitten

And how to feed the monthly kittens, if you chose the "naturalka"? Specialists recommend starting the lure of liquid and mushy food: baby food, porridge without salt, cooked on meat broth, grated cottage cheese and yogurt will be good. Gradually, food can be added finely chopped meat and pieces of vegetables. By the way about vegetables: along with fruits they form an important part of the cat's diet. Carrots, apples, cucumbers, cabbage, a variety of greens - in small quantities all this will appeal to a four-legged baby.

It is not recommended to give the pet raw fish and meat until it turns five months old. Cow's milk is banned (by the way, this applies to cats at any age) - lactose is very poorly digested and can cause serious damage to the health of the animal. How many times to feed the kitten? As with dry food, it should be started six times a day, gradually increasing portions and reducing the number of meals to three. Follow these simple recommendations, and your little friend will grow up healthy and strong.