
Peterbald or the St. Petersburg Sphinx is a breed of hairless cats, bred in Russia. The name of the breed is translated from English as "bald Peter" - the sphinx was named so in honor of the founder of the city of Petersburg. Sphinx peterbold was obtained as a result of mating of the Don Sphynx and oriental cat. The history is not very long, the first kittens-founders of the breed appeared in 1994.

Features of the breed

Peterbalds are very elegant, they, like other varieties of cats-sphinxes, pointed form of the head, elongated body, large, dilated in the ears, a long tail. Cats are very beautiful character - they are intelligent, friendly, active and curious. The nature of Peterbald is ideal for keeping in a large family - they are good to children, love all family members, do not show their independence, are always ready to talk. The cat breed of Peterbald is more like its inner world and behavior on dogs, rather than on cats. The Sphinxes themselves are faithful and affectionate and demand the same from their family members.

Peterbaldy differ in the types of skin:

The colors of the sphinxes are quite diverse: white, red, tortoiseshell, chocolate, etc. Black peterbald is considered the best among flock and brash peterbolds. This color is given to the individuals by wool. There are also bicolor colors.

Maintenance and care of St. Petersburg

Feeding and caring for St. Petersburg will not bother you. Despite the fact that these cats have a high body temperature, and the lack of hair does not bother them, the owner should protect the breed from dampness and drafts. Some owners put on their cats vests, but it's worth it if the apartment is very cold. Harm can cause a hot battery or fireplace - a cat can get burned, because the skin is tender enough. But the cat alone will never hurt itself, if no one helps her. Peterbaldy even like to bask near the battery.

These cats are sweating all over the body, so they are recommended to be washed frequently or wiped with a soft, damp cloth. To the washing procedure, they, in contrast to their long-haired brethren, are quite tolerant. Individuals with hair should be carefully combed during moult.

In cats, the sphinx has increased heat exchange, metabolism occurs quickly, so the Petersburgers are fans of eating. The diet should include cottage cheese, oatmeal, vegetables. Feed the cat as a small child - and do not go wrong. If time does not allow, you can make the basis of food industrial feed, but sometimes still give dairy products, cereals, greens.

Thoroughbred peterbaldov is not very much yet. To knit peterbaldov need to be treated very carefully. Experiment with different breeds is not worth it, unless, of course, you have a lot of experience in this matter. But matings with orientals, Siamese, Balinese and Javanese are allowed.

Peterbald is a cat-mystery that you will never tire of unraveling. No longer a cat, but not yet a man, a half-dog, an alien cat, an Egyptian statuette, a cat-shock! Once you take a warm lump in your arms, you can no longer deprive yourself of the pleasure of communicating with this sweet creature every day.