Burning cheeks and ears simultaneously - a sign

If you feel that both cheeks and ears are burning at the same time, it will not be superfluous to find out a sign explaining such a phenomenon. After all, often different beliefs help us avoid a lot of trouble.

A glimpse of why the cheeks and ears are burning at the same time

There is such a belief, where it is said that burning cheeks denote the discussion of your person to male acquaintances. According to this same superstition , burning ears indicate that your friends are talking about you. If the ears and cheeks are burning, then according to the point of view, you are discussed by a whole company of people and, perhaps, it is not just harmless gossip.

If you want to find out if the acquaintances behind your back say things about you, then the next rite will help you. First, start outlining the names of envious people and ill-wishers aloud, on what name the heat intensified, he and the main gossip. Secondly, slide your finger along the cheek and ear and look in the mirror, if the strip is white, then no one talks about you, if it turns red, then you are discussed by ill-wishers. More often than not, the reason for burning ears and cheeks at the same time, according to a prima facie, are the gossip of acquaintances who are negative toward the person, although there are exceptions.

If you understand who and in what way gossip about you, and made sure that conversations are conducted in a negative way, then you need to protect yourself. In order to neutralize envious persons, take a bath with salt, it removes the negative, then wear for a few days or a pendant with rock crystal, or an ornament with a diamond. The stones mentioned are excellent protections that will protect you from envy and evil intentions. In the event that you do not have such things, you can attach a pin to your everyday clothes, this will also help to avoid the evil eye.