Phoenix Tattoo - Value

Mystical and legendary phoenix bird attracts many people with its brightness, colorfulness and deep symbolism. This mythical image has ancient roots, it came to us from the culture of Ancient Egypt. The main quality of the phoenix is ​​its longevity, according to legend this bird could live up to 500 years. The value of the phoenix bird tattoo is more diverse, it is associated with its unique abilities.

What does phoenix tattoo mean?

The image of the phoenix is ​​now very widely used in cinematography, music, books, thanks to its magical qualities. In the native patterns, this symbol is also very widespread. It is performed in a variety of techniques and colors on virtually any part of the body.

The value of tattoo phoenix is ​​quite diverse. The general meaning of this symbol is the ability to regenerate and renew through rebirth. This miracle bird in mythology has the ability to burn to ashes and regenerate again from the ashes. So a person who has undergone severe life challenges, overcoming pain and destruction, can gain a new meaning of his life.

The meaning of phoenix tattoos for girls is most often related to the Chinese attitude to this bird. In China, this symbol stands in second place after the dragon, it represents grace, reliability and virtue. Many choose such a tattoo because of its mystery and wisdom, for such a long period of life, experience and understanding of the meaning of life is gained. The symbolism of the phoenix on different parts of the body is not too different:

  1. The phoenix tattoo on the back is a symbol of resurrection, overcoming life's obstacles, rebirth from the ashes after suffering, pain and despair.
  2. Phoenix tattoo on the arm and forearm means wealth, luck, success . Traditionally, welfare tattoos are applied to the right forearm.
  3. The phoenix tattoo on the wrist is a sign of generosity, mercy and grace. A hand with a phoenix is ​​perceived as a symbol of help and giving.
  4. Phoenix tattoos on the thigh are most often made by the fair sex, as it looks amazing on a woman's leg. Its meaning is also reduced to revival and symbolizes the thirst for life.

Christians see in the revival of the phoenix from the ashes an analogy with the resurrection of Jesus Christ, so the tattoo with this bird in a restrained manner can have a religious meaning.