Katavi National Park

In the west, hot Tanzania , in the Rukva area, is the third largest reserve , formed in 1974. The Katavi National Park is 4,471 square kilometers of virgin nature, about fifty different species of mammals and more than two hundred species of trees. Here you can stay alone with a wild African nature, feel all the delights of safaris , hiking and just enjoy yourself on a land untouched by man. By the way, the best time for safari is here - from May to October and from December to February. From March to May here is the rainy season, and many roads are simply washed away, therefore it is not recommended to visit Katavi during this "wet" time.

The name of the park is due to the legend, popular with the African Bend tribe, which speaks of the fighting spirit of the hunter Katavi, which allegedly resides in a tamarind tree (Indian date). Local believe that if you give some gift to its foundation, the tree will thank you and bless you on a successful hunt.


The vegetation world of Katavi is no less diverse and rich than the animal world. It is filled with mixed dense forests, marshes and seasonal lakes. The northern part of the park is covered with all kinds of greenery, and the southern part with endless fringed palms that stretch to the Chala Lake and the Katum River.

In total there are 226 species of trees in the park, which are located, for the most part, on termite hills. Many trees are dwarfish. Herbaceous vegetation is represented by pre-Tatar or miombo. From endemics here, at Lake Katavi, grows faidherbia albida, that is, white acacia, that of the mimosa family.


The main pride of Katavi in Tanzania , perhaps, are the local crocodiles and hippos. By the way, in terms of the number of the latter, the reserve takes the third place in the world arena. A huge accumulation of these creatures in these places is due to ideal natural conditions. Also the park is famous for the largest on the Earth herds of buffalo and an impressive number of predators. In general, the wildlife of the reserve is extremely rich. Whom only here you will not meet: a zebra, an antelope, and an insidious hyena ... And what is it worth to see the elephants and giraffes we loved since childhood in their natural habitat!

Altogether, there are about fifty species of mammals in the Katavi Park in Tanzania , among which there are significant populations of marshes, impala, warthogs, wild dogs and other animals mentioned above. For natural selection, the big cats of the park - lions, smart cheetahs and fast leopards - are responsible. Graceful monkeys complement the pure African flavor of the Katavi reserve, and, accustomed to visitors, are very friendly with the guests. Barking birds are an invariable part of the park. There are more than 400 species here, so you can meet any interesting feathered bird at every step: they hide in palm branches, and, sometimes, even among acacia or fleets of pelican swallows.

Helpful information

Get to Catavi Park in Tanzania by charter flights from Arusha or Dar es Salaam . If you for some reason do not want to use the plane, go by car or bus. From Mbeya to Katavi, about 550 km, so you have to spend the trip all day. Kigoma can be reached a little earlier, because this city is located 390 km from your destination.

You can stop at a one-lane indoor camp or holiday house. In 40 kilometers from the park, in the city of Mpanda, there are hotels where you can accommodate with a little more comfort than in the camp.