Tomatoes with breastfeeding

The diet of breastfeeding women undergoes significant changes with the onset of the lactation process. The thing is that at this time the woman can no longer eat what she wants, in view of the fact that many foods are powerful allergens and can cause a reaction from the small organism. Let's look at a vegetable such as tomato and find out whether it is possible to eat fresh tomatoes during breastfeeding, and when it is allowed to use them.

How useful is this vegetable?

Tomato in its composition contains many vitamins and nutrients. Among those can be identified vitamin C, K, E, B vitamins, folic acid.

Thanks to its rich composition, tomatoes have an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, which is due to the presence of carotenoid pigment - lycopene. In addition, it is worth noting that this substance takes a direct part in the protection of DNA, slows the aging of cells in the body.

Separately, it is necessary to distinguish the following useful properties of tomato:

Are tomatoes allowed during breastfeeding?

In most cases, doctors give an affirmative answer to this kind of question. However, at the same time pay attention to the mother of some nuances.

Firstly, the age of the crumb that is on breastfeeding should be at least 3 months. Until this time, tomatoes are not recommended for eating tomatoes because of the high probability of developing an allergic reaction in a child. It is this fact that is the answer to the question concerning why it is not possible to breastfeed tomatoes until breastfeeding.

Secondly, do not use them quite often. The rind of this vegetable perfectly stimulates the work of the intestines, which can lead to a disruption in the stool of the mother and baby.

Often, women are interested in the answer to the question as to whether yellow tomatoes can be given during breastfeeding. It is these vegetables that are recommended for lactating people who have previously experienced allergic reactions to the consumption of red tomatoes. In addition, it significantly reduces the risk of allergies in the baby.

In what form is it best to eat tomatoes with HS?

As is known, fresh vegetables are the most useful . However, their choice should be treated very carefully. The best option is grown on your own patch of tomatoes. When buying them in the market or in a store, pay attention to the color, the peel. If they are pale and the cuticle is firm, on the cut is a lot of pulp of light color and veins, this fact indicates a large concentration of nitrates in them .

When breastfeeding it is not forbidden to eat stewed tomatoes. After heat treatment, vegetables practically do not lose their useful properties. In addition, the lycopene contained in their composition, referred to above, becomes more easily assimilated.

But from the use of salted and pickled tomatoes with breastfeeding is better to give up. As a rule, when preserving, various seasonings and spices are added, which can cause an allergy in the baby.

Thus, summing up, I would like to say that the tomato should be eaten with great care when breastfeeding the baby and taking into account the nuances described above.