Cheesecakes - recipe

Few people know that a well-known cheesecake in different cities has a different name. So, for example, in the Kostroma region cheesecakes are called cuds, and in Siberia - vitrukhs. This is how it is customary to call a small open patty or a flat cake, which is sealed only from the edges. Cottage cheese is traditionally used as a filling, but it can be replaced with jam, then you will get sweet rolls, or for potatoes, cheese and even meat. So let's consider with you several recipes for cooking cheesecakes, and you choose for yourself the most acceptable and tasty.

Curd cheese cake - recipe

This recipe for making cheeses with curd is very simple, make sure of it for yourself.


For the test:

For filling:


How to bake cheesecake with cottage cheese? Everything is very simple. Pour the milk into the ladle and heat it to about 40 degrees. We dissolve yeast, sugar in warm milk and mix everything. You should get a homogeneous liquid mass. Leave the minutes for 20 to rise. After the time has elapsed, add the melted butter, flour and knead a homogeneous smooth dough. We put it in a saucepan, cover it with a towel and put it in a warm place. The dough should increase approximately in 2 times.

So, our dough came up. How correctly to bake cheesecakes that they turned out soft and airy? Divide the dough into 15 pieces and form the same balls. We spread them on a baking sheet covered with parchment and leave for 30 minutes. Without wasting time, we begin to prepare the filling for future cheesecakes with raisins and cottage cheese.

We grind the cottage cheese through the sieve, add to it sour cream, sugar, yolks, melted butter, raisins, flour and vanilla. We mix everything thoroughly. Take a glass, sprinkle it with flour, so that the dough does not stick, and in the center of each ball make a groove. Lubricate the edges with butter and fill the grooves with stuffing. We bake cottage cheese with cottage cheese in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 25-30 minutes, placing a container of cold water on the bottom of the oven.

You can also slightly modify this recipe and make one big cheesecake with cottage cheese. To do this, do not divide the dough into 15 pieces, but simply roll one large ball and spread it on a baking tray. Make a groove with a flat plate and spread the whole stuffing, bake, and you get the semblance of an open curd cake. Treat them to your relatives and friends - they just lick your fingers!

The recipe for cheesecake

Cheesecake with jam - very fast, delicious and easy to prepare recipe. In another way, it can even be called a recipe for a lazy cheesecake. Why lazy, you ask? Yes, because you can cook this dish very quickly and easily. So, let's get started!



Butter the butter with sugar. Then add the flour, sour cream, eggs, salt and knead the smooth dough with your hands. We divide it into 10 identical parts to make many cheesecakes or bake one big cheesecake. Spread on a baking sheet, make a groove and fill it with jam. Lubricate the edges of the cheesecake with yolk and send it to the oven heated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.