Worms during pregnancy

As physicians themselves say, parasites, including worms, are present in the body in every human being. Only under certain circumstances they make themselves felt. For a long time a person can coexist with them without suspecting anything. However, how to be, if worms are found during pregnancy, what tablets are available from them, what treatment is required in this case? Let's try to understand this situation.

What points to helminthic invasions?

Quite often, in view of reducing the protective forces of the body, with the onset of pregnancy, a woman faces such a problem as worms. In such cases it is not necessary to take independent measures, and immediately seek advice from the observing doctor.

Confirmation that the pregnant woman is concerned directly with these parasites can be the following symptoms:

As can be seen from the list, most of the symptoms are often observed during pregnancy, so many women do not even guess that this may indicate helminthic invasion. As a rule, with such there is an appearance of itching in the region of the anus, and in the feces there may be larvae.

How to get rid of worms during pregnancy?

First of all, a woman needs to calm down, because experiences and stress can only exacerbate the situation. Self-administration of medicines is strictly prohibited, even despite the experience of a pregnant friend, friends. If worms are found during pregnancy, the expectant mother should do what the doctor advises her to fully fulfill his appointments.

In most cases, doctors are slow to prescribe medicines. The thing is that this kind of medications have high toxicity. In the first trimester, a woman has to be saved only by folk remedies, which have proven themselves in the fight against parasites:

  1. Well help to cope with the problem of pumpkin seeds. Raw pumpkin seeds must be passed through a meat grinder, and take the resulting paste for 2 tablespoons, in the morning, before eating. Accept 3-5 days.
  2. Seeds of dill are also excellent for such a violation: it's enough to eat 2 tablespoons of seeds in the morning, and it's good to drink them with water. It is best if one spoon is pre-crushed, and the second one is drunk whole. During the day, the volume of water should be reduced to a minimum, and in the evening it is necessary to take a laxative (2 tablespoons of sunflower oil, prunes or eat boiled beets). In this way worms are quickly removed from the body. A single application is sufficient.
  3. Walnut can also serve an excellent service in a similar violation. To do this, the extracted kernels of the nut are ground in such an amount that the output is 4 tablespoons. They are poured with 1 glass of boiling water, after adding a little salt to it, give 30 minutes to infuse. After filter and drink throughout the day in small portions. Course - 5 days.
  4. Also, to fight intestinal parasites, the expectant mother can use products that have a so-called pronounced anthelmintic effect. Among them are carrots, garlic, onions, citrus fruits. At the same time, from sweet and dairy products it is better to refuse or reduce their volume for the period of treatment to a minimum.

If you talk about what tablets from worms you can drink pregnant, then everything is decided by the doctor. An example may be a drug such as piperazine, which can be used for gestation, but not in its first trimester. Depending on the type of parasites, the scheme for taking the drug is prescribed: