The earliest signs of pregnancy

Every woman dreams of becoming a mother and feel all the charms of an "interesting" situation. During this period the future mother becomes even more feminine and attractive. These nine months, the future parents are watching the changes that occur in the body of a woman, and how their child is gradually growing up. This period is interesting not only for parents, but also for their friends and relatives, who are eagerly awaiting the appearance of a small miracle.

Couples who are serious about matters of paternity and maternity can learn that they will soon become parents, at the earliest possible time (before the delay in menstruation). To do this, they need to know what are the first signs of pregnancy. Although these symptoms are subjective and may not manifest themselves in full and with varying intensity, it is they who will prompt the woman of her interesting situation.

What are the very first signs of pregnancy?

One of the most reliable indicators is an increase in basal temperature (measured in the rectum). The basal temperature is measured in the morning, it is necessary that before measuring the woman held in a horizontal position for at least six hours. By this sign, you can determine the pregnancy at a period of 10-15 days. The fact is that the first 8-10 days after fertilization the egg passes through the fallopian tubes into the uterus, and then it is attached to it. The very process of attaching the egg and its development inside the uterus causes an increase in temperature to a value of 37-37.2 degrees.

Also, the process of implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus may be accompanied by scanty discharge of pink or light brown color. At this time, because the uterus prepares to develop the fetus and expands, there may be spasmodic sensations in the lower abdomen.

Another first sign of pregnancy without a dough is the darkening of the skin around the nipples. This is due to the fact that the body of the future mother is preparing to feed the baby. This may cause pain in the chest, the breast increases significantly in size.

How to recognize the first signs of pregnancy?

Pregnancy provokes hormonal changes in the body of a woman. One of the so-called "pregnancy hormones" is progesterone . It is he who helps to consolidate a fertilized egg on the wall of the uterus. Progesterone helps to bear a normal fetus. But raising the level of this hormone in the body is accompanied by drowsiness, sharp pressure drops, periodic headaches and dizziness during pregnancy. A pregnant woman often has an uncaused malaise.

Changing the hormonal background affects the mood of the future mother. Another way to learn the first signs of pregnancy, are sudden mood swings. It can change throughout the day many times. A woman very emotionally perceives everything that is happening around her. She rejoices, then despairs. It is difficult to understand this mood to others, so you just have to put up with it and support your future mother.

What are the first signs of pregnancy, so this changes in the sense of smell and taste preferences. If you do not know how to recognize the first signs of pregnancy, then notice whether you were drawn to salty or sour. Perhaps you began to irritate the smells, which used to be very popular. In some cases, some odors may cause nausea or even vomiting. This is due to the fact that the taste buds and receptors that are responsible for the sense of smell become more sensitive.

Well, the clearest sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. The first signs of pregnancy after menstruation can be called toxicosis, changes in the appearance of a woman. She becomes more feminine, gradually rounded belly. There are many ways how to determine the first signs of pregnancy on your own, but an experienced person, that is, a doctor, should be diagnosed.