Jumping for children from 6 months

Today in the range of children's shops there are many different adaptations that make life easier for young mothers. One of them are children's jumpers, which have a lot of advantages, but at the same time, crumbs can be dangerous to health.

In this article we will tell you from what age you can use children's jumper, and what kinds of this device are best for your child.

When can I put a child in a jumper?

Although many manufacturers of such devices indicate that they can be used after the performance of the baby for 3-4 months, that is, when the crumb has already learned to hold his head well, in reality it can be very dangerous. During jumping in jumpers, the immature spine of the baby receives a huge load, which can provoke various disruptions to its development and even lead to serious injuries.

In addition, some types of children's jumpers are not equipped with additional support in the armpits, which means that they should not be used at all until the child's self verticalization.

According to most modern pediatricians, jaunts are designed for children from 6 months. At this age, the spine and the musculoskeletal system of the kids are already strong enough to allow the crumb to sit without the support of adults.

Meanwhile, all the young children develop differently, and in some cases, by the beginning of the second half of life, babies are still not ready to sit on their own. Especially often this situation is observed in weakened and premature babies, which develop with minor deviations. In this case, before using this device, you should always consult a doctor and clarify whether it is possible to put in a jumper at 6 months specifically your child, taking into account the characteristics of its development.

Types of jumps for children from 6 months

Today in the range of children's shops you can find a large number of different types of jumps for kids from 6 months.

You can classify them as follows:

By the method of fastening:

According to the nature of the spring element:

By the design of the seat: