Why can not children be imprisoned for up to 6 months?

Sometimes parents hurry events, trying to teach their child new skills that he is not yet ready to do on his own. First they hold the crumb for a long time on their stomachs, forcing them to raise their heads up, then impatiently learn how to turn over , and at the age of 4-5 months they are already trying to put the baby on.

Meanwhile, modern pediatric doctors believe that the early planting of a child , especially a girl, is capable of inflicting considerable harm on a tiny organism. The kid should learn to sit on his own, when he wants it, and his bone and muscle systems will be strong enough for this. Usually, the opportunity to develop a similar skill in a baby appears at the age of 6 months, but sometimes a little later.

In this article we will tell you about why it is impossible to plant children under 6 months, and what harm can cause an early planting for the child's organism.

Why it is impossible to put boys up to 6 months?

Even if your son has already turned 6 months old, and he did not sit on his own, first of all, it is necessary to consult a doctor about whether it is possible to put a child. Not all children develop the same way, and early planting can harm even at this age. Especially the degree of development can differ in premature infants. The doctor will assess the general condition and physical readiness of the child, and then advise a certain set of exercises that will help the baby sit down.

The backbone of a child under the age of 6 months, and sometimes even longer, is not yet ready to assume an upright position. Often, children who were beginning to plant early in infancy during school years suffer severe impairment of posture. In addition, some babies are not psychologically ready to accept a new position. If the child is planted artificially, he can feel fear and insecurity.

In how many months can you put a child-girl?

Usually doctors generally do not recommend planting a girl until the moment when the baby can do it herself. In addition to the curvature of the vertebral column, in the girl, in view of the characteristics of the organism, during early planting, deformity of the pelvic bones can occur. In the future, this violation becomes the cause of protracted and painful childbirth.