Gaziki in newborns on breastfeeding

With the arrival of a new family member, Mom has a lot of caring questions, and one of them is very important - gaziki in newborns with breastfeeding. After all, this is a painful condition in which the baby is, very much worried about the young mother and does not give sleep to all household members. Let's find out how to help your child cope with colic.

What causes the newborn's gas during breastfeeding?

To understand the cause of intestinal colic, it is necessary to understand the physiology of the baby. The process of painful gas generation begins in most babies by the age of two weeks, or even earlier. The reason for all - the immaturity of the digestive tract, in particular - the intestine. Its receptors are not yet fully formed, and therefore have excessive sensitivity.

A kid can not manage his body for up to 3-5 months as nature intended, and he can not get rid of gas by himself. Only when they have accumulated in large numbers, they come out naturally, but by that time the child has already begun to cry.

In addition, the food that the baby gets after his birth is alien to him, and it takes time for the body to adapt to it. Mummy may not comply with the diet and eat foods that result in the accumulation of gases in a large number of both herself and the child. Such products include sweet buns, sweets, white cabbage, grapes, plums, beans and peas.

Air swallowed by feeding, as well as banal overeating - all this also leads to the gazikam in the intestines. To ease the baby's condition, he is offered dill vodichku (infusion of chamomile or fennel), or preparations based on simethicone.

How to release the gases from a newborn?

Inexperienced mothers panic, not knowing what to do if newborns have gazikas. After all, a baby can cry for several hours to a row, and not every nervous system of parents can withstand it. There are several ways to alleviate the condition of the child.

The most optimal method is non-interference. That is, enemas and a tube for evacuation of gases should be kept in reserve, but as the most recent argument. If the baby has colic from the gases appear at a certain time, then they should be warned, so as not to develop into a long crying. For this, during the day, the baby should always be laid out on the tummy before each feeding. Thus, the existing gases will go away, because the stomach is massaged naturally.

After eating, whether breastfeeding or artificial feeding, you should definitely give your baby a vertical position and help him regurgitate the swallowed air. If this is not done, explaining that the child has fallen asleep, he will certainly have to face painful spasms in the intestines.

Massage with warm mother's handles will also help. It is carried out in breaks between feeds clockwise around the navel without pressure. If the colic has already begun, then you can calm the baby by putting his naked to his naked stomach. In general, warmth is a good ally in the fight against gazikami. Our mothers put a flannel on the belly of her toes. But even better is a hot water bottle with warm water or cherry pits.

If all efforts fail to produce results, then a gas pipe can be used. It is inserted into the anus, previously lubricated with a fat cream, but not more than one and a half centimeters. If the guns go away, my mother will hear it and it becomes clear what the baby was crying for.

In some cases, in addition to intestinal colic, the child suffers from constipation. To help him, they make a clyster with slightly warm water. It gives away the gazikam and softens the stool masses.

The famous doctor Komarovsky has his opinion on the account of the gazik in newborns on breastfeeding. He believes that this is a natural physiological process that does not require intervention. That is, no manipulation is needed. You just need to be patient and pay more attention to the baby and then time will fly quickly and the colic themselves will come to naught.