How to help babies with constipation?

The frequency of stool in an infant is individual. It depends on the age of the baby, and on the nature of his feeding. If a newborn can croak as many times as he ate, then older children already have a more or less stable mode of emptying: from a couple times a day to several times during the week. All this is within normal limits if the baby is completely breastfed . It is desirable for artificers to shovel daily.

If a child regularly has constipation, a doctor who, together with his mother, will try to find the true cause of this trouble and eliminate it should help to get rid of them: to establish a diet of crumbs and a nursing mother, to restore the microflora, etc. But when a baby has this happening for the first time or if he does not have a chance to cope with the intestines for a long time, each mother should know how to help the baby with constipation.

How to eliminate constipation in infants?

Before taking any measures for constipation in infants, parents need to make sure that this is a violation of the stool. As we have already said, the delay in infants for a couple of days is nothing to worry about if he does not show any concern: he eats, sleeps, is happy and satisfied with pleasure. Moreover, with breastfeeding, there is such a term as hungry constipation in the baby - when the baby does not crook not because he can not, but because there is nothing. In his intestines, milk is absorbed so well that no processing products leave it. However, in this case, it is necessary to check if the mother's milk is enough, whether it is hungry, whether it is gaining weight well. And, of course, the children receiving the mixture, and later the lure, this can not be.

When the stool retention in a child is accompanied by gas, bloating, refusal to eat, whims and anxiety, then you need to try to help him empty the bowels.

What to give babies from constipation?

Modern moms and dads, when faced with a problem, are first of all interested in what can be given to a baby from constipation from medications. The correct answer is nothing. To laxative children laxatives are contraindicated. An exception is Dufalac based on lactulose, but it does not act immediately, so if the baby's condition is serious enough, his tummy hurts, then the remedy needs a faster one. For the same reason, beet juice, water from prunes and other folk recipes also do not suit - they help for prevention, but not when the baby is already suffering from the inability to poke.

First aid for constipation

What if a laxative child can not be given? Start with stimulation of intestinal peristalsis. It is best from constipation in the baby is suitable for stomach massage and gymnastics.

First, warm the tummy of the baby - press it to yourself or attach a warm diaper. Then, in a circular motion around the navel, massage the tummy, pressing it lightly, clockwise. Do with the baby exercises like "bicycle", press his knees to the stomach, raise the legs and "fold" the baby in half. This gymnastics helps to flush the gases and most often this is followed by the emptying of the intestines.

If nothing has helped

If the "conservative" measures did not work, try means that irritate the intestinal sphincter. Generally, this is undesirable, but when the baby is bad, there is no other way out. You can take a candle from constipation - for babies come glycerin, cut it into 4 parts and insert into the rectum. Grandmothers in such cases recommend using a piece of potatoes or soap. Soap can cause a burn, but potatoes, if there is nothing else at hand, will do.

If there are no candles, you can try to tickle the child's anus with a cotton swab. Lubricate it with butter or baby cream and very gently enter inside, slightly scroll. In this case, a reflex emptying should take place.

In no case can not do with constipation infants enema - you can damage the intestines. Exception - microclysters, which are sold in the pharmacy and are suitable for use in children under one year ( Mikrolaks ).