Gel for teething

Every mom of a small baby knows how unpleasant is the process of teething in a crumb. Constant whims, crying, sleepless nights are all true companions of a growing tooth. Of course, parents want to help their child, and to themselves, too. In this case, apply either a ring-eraser, or an anesthetic gel for teething.

To determine if the child's teeth are chopped or cause of anxiety is different, consider the main symptoms of teething:

Many parents note a high susceptibility to colds with teething, while pediatricians do not consider colds a symptom of teething.

What to do when a child's teeth are chopped?

Sometimes when teething is enough, it is enough to use special rings-teethers. However, they are effective only in the case of not so much pain as the gum gum. To recognize whether the ring-teaser will help you or not, you can do this: if the baby tries to bite everything that comes to his hand and tightly closes the jaw on this object, then the teetotal will be very helpful. But often the baby's pain is so strong that any touch to the gum causes even greater discomfort. Then the teetother does not help. But how to act in this situation? Given the experience of modern parents, you can apply an anesthetic gel for teething. But with him, as with any medical product, you need to be very careful. Remember that it is not as harmless as it seems at first glance.

And if the growth of the baby's teeth is accompanied by high fever, it is possible to give the baby a little paracetamol (pure or in the form of baby syrup), but only after agreement with your doctor.

How does the gel for dentition work?

Children's gels for teething contain a small amount of local anesthetic. It is enough to put a little finger on the cotton pad or cotton pad on the gum, and within a few minutes the baby will feel a great deal of relief.

But observe the precautions. Do not apply the gel less than half an hour before feeding. From this, the tongue of the baby and the areola of the nipple lose sensitivity, which complicates the process of sucking.

In addition, do not forget that no matter what type of gel for teething you chose, the duration of their action is only 20 minutes. And it can be applied no more than 6 times a day.

And one more very important point. Gels do not contribute to teething in children, but only reduce the pain in the baby. So do not abuse it, the teeth will not grow faster.

In what cases without using pain medication can not do?

It should be remembered that not always the process of growing teeth is painful for the child. It often happens that parents notice a new tooth already when it is clearly visible above the gum. In such situations, one can only rejoice over the baby that the tooth has come out easily and painlessly.

But, unfortunately, there are also cases when the child's pain is so strong that it can not be helped by any improvised means. Of course, then it is better to use the gel to facilitate teething, and not to torture yourself or the baby. Such funds, as a rule, do not have any taste, or are slightly sweet, so do not worry about this topic.

However, before you apply the gum with a baby gel for dentition, parents need to be absolutely sure that the child's anxiety is caused by the teeth, and not by any other factor. If you still doubt, it is better to first consult the pediatrician.

The most common anesthetic gels for teething

Most often mummies use gel Dentol . It contains an anesthetic element benzocaine. Improvement of the child's condition is observed already after 1 minute after applying the gel on the gum. The duration of exposure is up to 20 minutes. Not recommended for use in children under 4 months.

The next gel for eruption, enjoying the confidence of moms - Dentinox gel . An anesthetic is lidocaine. In addition, the composition includes a natural extract of chamomile. Does not cause allergic reactions. Recommended for use in the period of teething not more than 2-3 times a day.

Another proven product of many mothers is Calgel . It also contains lidocaine. Not recommended for use before 3 months. It is allowed to use Calgel no more than 6 times a day with a minimum interval of 20 minutes. In side effects - allergic reactions. If your baby is prone to allergies, it is better to choose another drug.

In general, there are many different names for gels for teething. And which one you choose, depends only on your personal preferences and on the opinion of your doctor. In addition, perhaps you will not be able to immediately find the right gel. After all, all children individually carry the components of the drugs.