Soup with sausages

The first dishes are useful and necessary for our body. They adjust the body to the desired mode, positively affecting the digestive system. We will tell you how to make soup with sausages. It's tasty, and original.

Italian sausage soup



Chop onion and garlic, firstly fry onion in olive oil, then add garlic to it, keep it in the frying pan and put it on the plate. Then, we do the same with sausages. Tomatoes are peeled and kneaded to a puree state, added to sausages and a little patched. In the chicken broth, boil the pasta, pour the washed beans, onions with garlic and sausages in tomato. Before serving, add a little grated Parmesan to each plate. Soup with beans and sausages is ready.

Pea soup with sausage



Peas soaked in cold water at least an hour for 2, but preferably at night. Then he will cook faster. In the pot, pour water (about 2 liters), give it a boil, salt to taste, add peas and cook for about half an hour, stirring. Potatoes cut into cubes, chopped onions, carrots three on a grater. In a frying pan, we heat the oil, fry onions and carrots on it, we also add slices of bacon to it. Sausages are cut as you want: you can and cubes, you can also circles. Add them to the frying pan with fried and bacon, a little fry. In a pot with peas put the potatoes, cook for about 15 minutes. Then, add roast with sausages, salt, pepper and turmeric to taste. In the end, crumble the shredded greens and turn off the soup.

Cheese soup with sausages - recipe



In the pot, pour water, put on the fire, add chopped potatoes. In a frying pan with vegetable oil fry sliced ​​onions and carrots, add sausages to it and fry it a little. Pour the roast in the soup and place in it grated on a large grater melted cheese, cook until dissolved. Solim and pepper to taste. Before serving, put a little chopped greens into each plate.