Composition of Coca-Cola

More than 100 years ago, mankind became acquainted with such a drink as Coca-Cola and continues to use it to this day. There is still debate about its benefits and harm to the body, which are largely due to the composition of Coca-Cola. Once upon a time ago, to the three parts of the leaves, coca was added one part of the nuts of the tropical cola tree and received a drink with high energy value and potential.

Coca Cola Properties

It must be said at once that the manufacturer does not indicate the complete composition on the package, but the manufacturing process itself is kept in the strictest secrecy. To date, it is known that one of the main ingredients is caffeine, the properties of which are known to many, because it is found in tea, coffee , guarana, etc. In small concentrations, it is able to increase mental and physical activity, memorize a large amount of information, relieve tension and help to recover after hard work. In addition, the alkaloid caffeine in Coca-Cola stimulates the production of the hormone of joy of serotonin and speeds up the transmission of neural impulses, so that a person can become happier and happier for a while.

However, it is no coincidence that many people are interested in what is dangerous Coca-Cola, because in large doses, caffeine can cause significant harm to health. Regularly using this drink, you can become a hypertensive person in a short time, encounter problems such as arrhythmia and ischemia. The phosphoric acid present in the drink significantly increases the acidity of the stomach and, in high concentrations, is able to wash calcium out of the body. And orthophosphoric acid is so strong that it can dissolve lime scale, rust, etc. This property allows landladies to use the drink for a long time in everyday life as a cleaning and detergent.

It is impossible in one article to highlight the effect of all the ingredients in the composition of the drink labeled "E". However, we can not fail to note the numerous sugar substitutes, which are not only many times sweeter than the latter, but also able to cause addiction and worsen the work of the cardiovascular system. This refers to acesulfame potassium - E950. He often goes paired with aspartame - E951, and the latter, in turn, stimulates the growth of cancer cells, accelerates the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and not only. It is rumored that the mysterious component of the mercantile-7 provides a special flavor of the drink, the mechanism of its action has been studied very little.

Caloric value

Calories in Coca-Cola are so much that the energy potential of a standard bottle is 210 kcal. This is equivalent to a bowl of soup or portions of fish with vegetable garnish. A sweetener manufacturer adds to his offspring so much that in translation for a conventional refined sugar in one glass would be 8 of its pieces. It is clear that the thirst for such a drink can not be satisfied and the person is forced again and again to apply to the bottle. As a result, weight rises rapidly, increases the risk of obesity and diabetes.

The most obvious harm to the body causes a soda from Coca-Cola. Carbon dioxide, which got into the body, weakens the valve connecting the stomach and esophagus, provoking heartburn, disrupting the liver and gallbladder. Regularly quenching thirst with this drink, you can increase the risk of developing gastritis and ulcers, become a frequent patient of dental clinics. However, in cases where it is required to quickly improve its efficiency and tone, recharge and raise the mood, Cola-Cola is simply indispensable, but everything should be in moderation. Enjoy this drink only occasionally - no more than once a week.