Edible chestnuts are good and bad

We all know what a chestnut tree looks like, we admire the fragrant candles of the inflorescence in the spring, and in autumn the children collect the fruits of chestnuts and their thorny shells, so similar to small hedgehogs, for their crafts. But we are not talking about a horse chestnut tree, whose trees grow in abundance in parks in the streets in the streets, decorating the city with its luxurious crown, and the chestnut is edible.

Edible chestnut is also called noble, seeded, and even once, it was called embei nuts, since the center of his breeding was the island of Euboea. The homeland of the edible chestnut is Asia and the Caucasus. In the distant past, the mountain peoples of these territories have never been bread in their lives, they were completely replaced by chestnuts. But after the chestnuts began to ship to Europe, they began to grow in France, Italy and Portugal. Especially this culture pleased the Corsicans. As it is impossible to imagine Crete without olives, it is impossible to imagine Corsica without an edible chestnut.

The use of chestnuts for health

Edible chestnut is a nut, and, like all nuts, it is very nutritious and useful. Chestnuts are rich in fiber and carbohydrates, and therefore are healthy. And since it includes sugars, fats and trace elements, starch, it has become an integral part of a vegetarian diet. The composition of this nut includes vitamins A and C, and also vitamins of group B. The peculiarity of edible chestnut is a low fat content, in comparison with other nuts. This fact, along with other useful components, determines the exclusive use of edible chestnut in dietary nutrition.

But not only the fruits of edible chestnut bring benefits. Chestnut wood is highly valued. And the bark of this tree has medicinal properties. From the seeds make a decoction, which is used for internal bleeding. Bark and seeds are used to treat kidney diseases. Dry fruits and leaves of edible chestnut are useful for sore throats. Anti-inflammatory effect has an extract of fruits and leaves, so it is widely used in cosmetology for the manufacture of creams. Also, the strengthening properties of this extract are used for the production of shampoos.

The benefits and harm of roasted chestnuts

Many, when talking about edible chestnuts, there is an association with the sellers of these fried nuts in the streets of Paris. In autumn the season of harvesting of chestnuts comes, and in the countries of Southern Europe people go to nature with whole families to cook their favorite delicacy on open fire. In France, this smell reminds us that Christmas is coming soon. In the works of the French classics, one can see with what special warmth the inhabitants of this country belong to this delicious and fragrant custom. Fried chestnuts are not only a very tasty, but healthy and nutritious dish. By these criteria it can be equated to rice, or even potatoes. Chestnuts are delicious both with sugar and with salt. The only time that can overshadow a meal for the gourmets watching their figure, is the high calorie content of the fried option.

However, chestnuts can not only be fried. Very useful flour from edible chestnut. It is widely used in confectionery and baking bread. Chestnut flour in its qualities is not inferior to wheat flour, and in some cases even surpasses it. You can also bake chestnuts, cook, cook soups with them, and stuff a bird with this nut.

Apparently, the edible chestnut is an extremely tasty and useful product. The range of application of its nutritional and therapeutic properties is very wide. Nature has invested so much in him that we just can not help taking advantage of such a gift.